
Harukana Receive (はるかなレシーブ, Harukana Reshību) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Nyoijizai. It was serialized in Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Forward issues from October 2015 to November 2020. The manga has been licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment in North America, with the first two volumes released in July and October 2018 respectively. An anime television series adaptation by C2C aired from July 6 to September 21, 2018. In Okinawa, high school city girl Haruka Ozora has an extreme complex about her tall height comparison, while her cousin Kanata Higa (an Okinawan native) is very self-conscious about her short height and flat chest. She also begins to have second thoughts about quitting volleyball all together. However, with help from their experiences, the two girls decide to form a volleyball club at their school. More information...

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