
Hergiswil bei Willisau is a municipality in the district of Willisau in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland. Hergiswil bei Willisau is first mentioned in 1246 as de Hergosswile. Hergiswil bei Willisau has an area, as of 2006, of 31.3 km2 (12.1 sq mi). Of this area, 59.3% is used for agricultural purposes, while 36.6% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 3.5% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (0.5%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains). In the 1997 land survey, 36.66% of the total land area was forested. Of the agricultural land, 56.84% is used for farming or pastures, while 2.42% is used for orchards or vine crops. Of the settled areas, 1.72% is covered with buildings, 0.06% is industrial, 0.19% is classed as special developments, 0.1% is parks or greenbelts and 1.47% is transportation infrastructure. Of the unproductive areas, 0.19% is unproductive flowing water (rivers) and 0.35% is other unproductive land. More information...

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