INPUD (International Network for People who Use Drugs) is an international non-profit organization grouping local groups and collectives of people who use illicit drugs, which aims at "A world where people who use drugs are free to live their lives with dignity." INPUD was founded in 2006 in Vancouver, Canada, and formally launched in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 1 November 2008. Although drug users' activist groups have existed all across the world for decades, the inception of an international network of people who use drugs traces back to Canada. On the one hand, in practice, in British Columbia, the leadership of local users groups such as VANDU inspired the creation of a broader network. According to Kerr et al, "in 1997 a group of Vancouver residents, including drug users, activists, and others, came together to form a drug user organization as a means to addressing the health crisis among local injecting drug users" and called it the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) Following the launch of this local organization, a series of meetings and gathering were set up. On the other hand, in theory, NGOs such as the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network had prepared background documents such as the report Nothing About Us Without Us (Greater, Meaningful Involvement of People Who Use Illegal Drugs: A Public Health, Ethical, and Human Rights Imperative) which emphasized that measures of harm reduction related to drug use should happen "from the ground up, with people who use drugs involved in every part of the process". More information...
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