King of Prism by Pretty Rhythm (stylized as KING OF PRISM by PrettyRhythm) is a 2016 Japanese animated film produced by Tatsunoko Production and Avex Pictures based on Takara Tomy's Pretty Rhythm franchise. The story focuses on side characters from the animated television series Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live, which aired from 2013 to 2014. Initially released in 14 theaters on January 9, 2016, the film's unexpected popularity led to nationwide screenings of the film and became a financial success, which led to a spin-off multimedia franchise focusing on the characters. In addition, a stage play adaptation of the film titled King of Prism: Over the Sunshine! took place in 2017. King of Prism by Pretty Rhythm also led the "cheer screenings" movement in modern cinema. The film was followed up by a sequel, King of Prism: Pride the Hero, in 2017, and a third continuation, King of Prism: Shiny Seven Stars, in 2019. More information...
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