Last Days is a 2014 American animated short documentary film about the decline of African elephant populations and the illegal ivory trade. It was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by Scott Z. Burns. Featured in the film is footage of the 2013 Westgate shopping mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya, which has been attributed to the militant organization Al-Shabaab. The film advances the claim that terrorist networks derive much of their income from poached ivory. These claims, which were similar to ones made by several public officials including former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, were based on a 2013 report by the environmental nonprofit Elephant Action League (EAL). However, a report published jointly by Interpol and the United Nations Environment Programme described EAL's findings as "highly unreliable". According to the report, Al-Shabaab's primary income comes from the trade in charcoal, a significant source of deforestation. More information...
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