Direcţia Generală Anticorupţie (Anti-Corruption General Directorate, DGA) is an agency subordinated to the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, tasked with preventing and investigating the corruption offenses, the criminal acts and misconduct among the personnel of the Ministry. The Anti-Corruption General Directorate was set up to deal strictly with corruption within the ministry. The Anti-Corruption General Directorate was established by the Law 161/2005 as the specialized structure for preventing of and fighting against corruption within the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI). More information...
According to PR-model, mai-dga.ro is ranked 1,099,494th in multilingual Wikipedia, in particular this website is ranked 9,687th in Romanian Wikipedia.
The website is placed before mtrnorthernlink.hk and after cnsmro.ro in the BestRef global ranking of the most important sources of Wikipedia.