Marcus Hernon is a flute player and also a flute maker. He has won two Senior All-Ireland Fleadhs, he has also won a few Junior All-Irelands and a senior Duet with Maeve Donnelly. His band, The Tribes Céilí Band, have never won the All-Ireland Fleadh, but have got numerous first places in the County and Provincial competitions. Marcus has been playing since a very young age. Born in Ruisín na Mainíoch, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland, Marcus traces his music back to his Granduncle, Peaitín Connelly (Peaitín Pháraic Mháirtín, as he was known locally), in Feenish Island, who used to play the melodeon, a small type of accordion with one row of buttons. Feenish is a small island off the coast of Ruisín na Mainíoch. Marcus' mother Nora Hernon was from the island and used to visit frequently - this was the main source of Marcus' music. Every night on the island there used to be a session (these were known as "the times"). Every time he went to the island, Marcus would learn a few new tunes. He was lucky in the sense that his older brother, P.J. Hernon, played the button accordion and was able to give him help whenever he got stuck in a tune. Later on, when he was a little older, his mother used to buy him 78 records of the musicians of the time and even to this day Marcus' repertoire of tunes consists mostly of the tunes he learnt from these records. More information...
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