
Oberegg District is a district in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden in Switzerland. It comprises three small exclaves of the canton (the smallest of which is a single monastery), a few kilometers northeast of the rest of Appenzell Innerrhoden. Oberegg is first mentioned in 1470 as a village. Around the time that the church was built (finished in 1655) Oberegg had grown to encompass the region surrounding the village. The municipality was formally established in 1872 when Hirschberg and Oberegg joined. Hirschberg was first mentioned in the 11th century as Hirsberg. Hirschberg was divided during the division of Appenzell in the wake of the Reformation. Some communities were left in the old faith, others turned themselves to the new faith. When the canton of Appenzell was divided in 1597 into a Catholic and a Protestant part of the canton, the Catholic majority of Hirschberg wanted to stay with Innerrhoden, while the Protestant minority wanted to go to Ausserrhoden. In the division of Appenzell (known as the Landteilungsbrief, literally Land division letter or treaty), the land owned by the Protestants was separated from Hirschberg and given to the Protestant Ausserrhoden, where it became the municipality of Reute. Catholic Hirschberg would later become part of the Innerrhoden municipality of Oberegg. More information...

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