Pop in Q (ポッピンQ, PoppinQ) is a Japanese animated dance film directed by Naoki Miyahara, produced by Toei Animation, written by Shūko Arai and starring Asami Seto, Shiori Izawa, Atsumi Tanezaki, Ari Ozawa, and Tomoyo Kurosawa. It was released in Japan by Toei on December 23, 2016. A crowdfunding campaign for a sequel novella was launched on October 28, 2019. The goal was reached the following day. A crowdfunding campaign for a second novella was launched on December 7, 2020. The goal was reached on January 25, 2021. More information...
According to PR-model, popin-q.com is ranked 395,674th in multilingual Wikipedia, in particular this website is ranked 16,256th in Chinese Wikipedia.
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