
SpamCop is an email spam reporting service, allowing recipients of unsolicited bulk or commercial email to report IP addresses found by SpamCop's analysis to be senders of the spam to the abuse reporting addresses of those IP addresses. SpamCop uses these reports to compile a list of computers sending spam called the "SpamCop Blocking List" or "SpamCop Blacklist" (SCBL). SpamCop was founded by Julian Haight in 1998 as an individual effort. As the reporting service became more popular, staff were added and the SCBL became more useful. It has commonly been the target of DDoS attacks and lawsuits from organizations listed in the SCBL. More information...

According to PR-model, is ranked 459,677th in multilingual Wikipedia, in particular this website is ranked 381,811th in English Wikipedia.

The website is placed before and after in the BestRef global ranking of the most important sources of Wikipedia.

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459,677th place
492,302nd place
203,761st place
381,811th place
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539,950th place
137,314th place
74,095th place
104,726th place
51,863rd place
177,001st place
139,556th place
204,792nd place
133,712th place
240,369th place
201,625th place
295,027th place
159,433rd place
165,467th place