Taima-dera (當麻寺) is a Buddhist temple in Katsuragi, Nara, Japan. The temple legend says it was built originally in 612 by the Imperial Prince Maroko, the brother of Prince Shotoku. The temple was moved to its present location in 681 by the grandson of Prince Maroko, and served as the head temple, or honzan (本山) of the Hosso sect although currently the temple is jointly administrated by Shingon and Jodo schools. The temple's main object of veneration is Maitreya Bodhisattva, but the most popular attraction is the Taima Mandala, a graphical representation of the Sukhavati Pure Land, and pilgrimage site for Pure Land Buddhists. It is believed that the Taima Mandala was woven in one day by Princess Chujo-hime. More information...
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