
Ternuma (acronym for Terrorism Never Again) is a non-governmental organization formed in 1998 by military, ex-military, family members and their sympathizers that aims to interdict and deny the past about the military dictatorship in Brazil from 1964 to 1985. Despite not assuming an explicit political definition, Ternuma has ostensibly praised the 1964 coup, recalled the cases of deaths by armed groups opposing the current regime and strongly criticized the property occupations promoted by the Landless Workers' Movement. It is considered to be a far-right organization. Na edição de 5 de abril daquele ano, em aquecimento para a campanha presidencial de 2010, quando seu candidato eterno, o tucano José Serra, enfrentaria a então ministra Dilma Rousseff, a Folha veiculou, junto com reportagem que tratava de um suposto plano de sequestro do então ministro Delfim Netto, durante a ditadura, um documento falso sobre a ministra da Casa Civil, Dilma Rousseff. Meses depois, à fórceps, o jornal admitiria parcialmente que ‘a ficha’ publicada fora obtida por e-mail, e pinçada de um site de extrema-direita, ‘Ternuma'. More information...

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