Time Runners is a series of fantasy novels written by the British author Justin Richards. The books chronicle the adventures of schoolboy Jamie Grant who falls through a "time break" and becomes a Runner along with the mysterious Anna, with power to control time and a duty to protect it from malign interference by the sinister Darkling Midnight. The first novel Freeze-Framed was released in March 2007, and since then three further books have been added to the series. The novels are narrated in the first person by the schoolboy Jamie Grant, who at the start of the first book is twelve years old and has just started a new school. The Time Runners of the series title are people who fall through a time break and who therefore "no longer exist": they cannot be seen and are not remembered, but they continue an existence outside time, with some degree of power over it. The Runners comprise an alliance from many places and times who work to protect time from the interference of those such as Darkling Midnight, an Adept (someone with a very powerful control over time) who the Runners see as their enemy, and who is assisted by evil time creatures called Skitters. The Runners appear to remain fixed at the age they were when they fell outside time, so once Jamie becomes a Runner he remains at twelve years old throughout the remaining books. More information...
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