
The Open Network (previously Telegram Open Network, both abb. As TON) is a blockchain-based decentralized computer network technology, originally developed by the Telegram team. In May 2020, Telegram withdrew from the project after litigation with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. It comprises TON Virtual Machine (TVM or TON VM). Since the release of Telegram messenger in 2013, its CEO Pavel Durov emphasized that instant messenger will not include advertising. According to documents related to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) v. Telegram suit (2020), by 2017, the self-funded startup needed money to pay for servers and services. Durov considered venture capital financing but decided against it until the problems are solved. In the mid-December 2017 Bloomberg interview, Durov announced that Telegram would begin monetization in early 2018. TechCrunch had soon confirmed that the company planned launch a blockchain project named “The Open Network” or “Telegram Open Network” (TON) and its native cryptocurrency "Gram" . More information...

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