Teknisk Ukeblad (TU, English: Technical Weekly Magazine) is a Norwegian engineering magazine. The magazine has its headquarters in Oslo, Norway. TU has appeared weekly since 13 April 1883 and was published by Ingeniørforlaget, now Teknisk Ukeblad Media jointly owned by three national professional associations of engineers and architects: the Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists (NITO, founded 1936), Tekna (founded in 1874), and the Norwegian Polytechnic Society (PF, founded 1852). On 24 June 2010 TU had a total circulation of 302,000 weekly copies. More information...
According to PR-model, tu.no is ranked 9,903rd in multilingual Wikipedia, in particular this website is ranked 8,942nd in English Wikipedia.
The website is placed before danmarkshistorien.dk and after seacoastonline.com in the BestRef global ranking of the most important sources of Wikipedia.