Bandung Islamic University (Indonesian: Universitas Islam Bandung, abbreviated as UNISBA) is one of the oldest private universities in Indonesia based in Bandung, West Java. The purpose of UNISBA is to produce mujahid (leader), mujtahid (researchers) and mujaddid (pioneer) in an Islamic scientific society. In 1957, a number of West Java Muslim leaders along with some scholars who at that time became members of the Constitutional Assembly of Indonesia, initiated the cadre of leaders of the faqih fiddin for the future. On November 15, 1958, the idea was realized through the establishment of the Perguruan Islam Tinggi (PIT), under the Islamic Education Foundation with the Notary Deed of Lie Kwie Nio, number: 42. The founders listed on the Notarial deed are: Prof. Sjafie Soemardja, dr. H. Chasan Boesoiri, Drs. Ahmad Sadali, Oja Somantri, R. Kosasih, R. Sabri Gandanegara, and Dadang Hermawan. The college is intended to meet the needs of the people of West Java, especially for a higher Islamic college in the midst of various college styles at that time. The establishment of this college was fully supported by the people of West Java through members of the West Java Province legislative assembly. More information...
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