Wiktionary (UK: /ˈwɪkʃənəri/, WIK-shə-nər-ee; US: /ˈwɪkʃənɛri/, WIK-shə-nerr-ee; rhyming with "dictionary") is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary of terms (including words, phrases, proverbs, linguistic reconstructions, etc.) in all natural languages and in a number of artificial languages. These entries may contain definitions, images for illustration, pronunciations, etymologies, inflections, usage examples, quotations, related terms, and translations of terms into other languages, among other features. It is collaboratively edited via a wiki. Its name is a portmanteau of the words wiki and dictionary. It is available in 190 languages and in Simple English. Like its sister project Wikipedia, Wiktionary is run by the Wikimedia Foundation, and is written collaboratively by volunteers, dubbed "Wiktionarians". Its wiki software, MediaWiki, allows almost anyone with access to the website to create and edit entries. More information...
According to PR-model, wiktionary.org is ranked 649th in multilingual Wikipedia, in particular this website is ranked 827th in English Wikipedia.
The website is placed before soompi.com and after impress.co.jp in the BestRef global ranking of the most important sources of Wikipedia.