Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "استنباط" in Arabic language version.
{{استشهاد بدورية محكمة}}
: تحقق من التاريخ في: |تاريخ=
(help)Modern logicians sometimes oppose deduction to induction on the basis that the first concludes from the general to the particular, whereas the second concludes from the particular to the general; this characterization is inaccurate, however, since deduction need not conclude to the particular and its process is far from being the logical inverse of the inductive procedure.نسخة محفوظة 2023-07-29 على موقع واي باك مشين.
: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة=
: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة=
(مساعدة){{استشهاد بدورية محكمة}}
: تحقق من التاريخ في: |تاريخ=
(help)Modern logicians sometimes oppose deduction to induction on the basis that the first concludes from the general to the particular, whereas the second concludes from the particular to the general; this characterization is inaccurate, however, since deduction need not conclude to the particular and its process is far from being the logical inverse of the inductive procedure.نسخة محفوظة 2023-07-29 على موقع واي باك مشين.
{{استشهاد بدورية محكمة}}
: تحقق من التاريخ في: |تاريخ=
(help){{استشهاد بدورية محكمة}}
: تحقق من التاريخ في: |تاريخ=