Kozma, Christina. "Reaping what they Sow; What's it worth. to keep the farm?", New Jersey Monthly, February 7, 2008. Accessed January 1, 2018. "Why exactly is New Jersey called the Garden State? According to a recent New Jersey Farm Bureau survey, nearly half of us aren't sure. Some background: In 1876 Abraham Browning, an attorney, politician, and the owner of Cherry Hill Farm, which gave its name to the town that now stands in its place, coined the term, comparing New Jersey, two-thirds of which was rolling farmland, to a big barrel, open on both ends, from which Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers gobbled up the state's agricultural bounty." نسخة محفوظة 10 أغسطس 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.
Kozma, Christina. "Reaping what they Sow; What's it worth. to keep the farm?", New Jersey Monthly, February 7, 2008. Accessed January 1, 2018. "Why exactly is New Jersey called the Garden State? According to a recent New Jersey Farm Bureau survey, nearly half of us aren't sure. Some background: In 1876 Abraham Browning, an attorney, politician, and the owner of Cherry Hill Farm, which gave its name to the town that now stands in its place, coined the term, comparing New Jersey, two-thirds of which was rolling farmland, to a big barrel, open on both ends, from which Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers gobbled up the state's agricultural bounty." نسخة محفوظة 10 أغسطس 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.