Mflex UK (formerly Pelikon) and elumin8, both in the UK, Emirates Technical Innovation Centre in Dubai, Schreiner in Germany and others are involved in EL displays. Spectrolab already offers commercially flexible solar cells based on various inorganic compounds. [1][وصلة مكسورة]نسخة محفوظة 5 مارس 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.
نص كبير
Coatanéa, E., Kantola, V., Kulovesi, J., Lahti, L., Lin, R., & Zavodchikova, M. (2009). Printed Electronics, Now and Future. In Neuvo, Y., & Ylönen, S. (eds.), Bit Bang – Rays to the Future. Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), MIDE, Helsinki University Print, Helsinki, Finland, 63-102. (ردمك 978-952-248-078-1).نسخة محفوظة 2020-08-07 على موقع واي باك مشين.
نص كبير
Coatanéa, E., Kantola, V., Kulovesi, J., Lahti, L., Lin, R., & Zavodchikova, M. (2009). Printed Electronics, Now and Future. In Neuvo, Y., & Ylönen, S. (eds.), Bit Bang – Rays to the Future. Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), MIDE, Helsinki University Print, Helsinki, Finland, 63-102. (ردمك 978-952-248-078-1).نسخة محفوظة 2020-08-07 على موقع واي باك مشين.
Mflex UK (formerly Pelikon) and elumin8, both in the UK, Emirates Technical Innovation Centre in Dubai, Schreiner in Germany and others are involved in EL displays. Spectrolab already offers commercially flexible solar cells based on various inorganic compounds. [1][وصلة مكسورة]نسخة محفوظة 5 مارس 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.