اضطراب التكامل الحسي (Arabic Wikipedia)

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  • "Official Documents of The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc". American Journal of Occupational Therapy. ج. 55 ع. 6: 689–690. 1 نوفمبر 2001. DOI:10.5014/ajot.55.6.689. ISSN:0272-9490. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-02-20.


  • "Official Documents of The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc". American Journal of Occupational Therapy. ج. 55 ع. 6: 689–690. 1 نوفمبر 2001. DOI:10.5014/ajot.55.6.689. ISSN:0272-9490. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-02-20.



  • Cosbey J, Johnston SS, Dunn ML (2010). "Sensory processing disorders and social participation". Am J OccupTher 64 (3): 462–73. doi:10.5014/ajot.2010.09076.ببمد20608277.
  • Ayres AJ (1972). "Types of sensory integrative dysfunction among disabled learners". Am J OccupTher 26 (1): 13–8. ببمد5008164.
  • Miller LJ, Anzalone ME, Lane SJ, Cermak SA, Osten ET (2007). "Concept evolution in sensory integration: a proposed nosology for diagnosis" (PDF). Am J OccupTher 61 (2): 135–40. doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.135. ببمد17436834.
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  • Davies PL, Gavin WJ (2007). "Validating the diagnosis of sensory processing disorders using EEG technology". Am J OccupTher 61 (2): 176–89. doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.176.ببمد17436840.
  • Goldsmith HH, Van Hulle CA, Arneson CL, Schreiber JE, Gernsbacher MA (June 2006)."A Population-Based Twin Study of Parentally Reported Tactile and Auditory Defensiveness in Young Children" (PDF). Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 34 (3): 393–407. doi:10.1007/s10802-006-9024-0. PMC 2695879. ببمد19146890.
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  • Baranek GT (2002). "Efficacy of sensory and motor interventions for children with autism". J Autism Dev Disord 32 (5): 397–422. doi:10.1023/A:1020541906063.ببمد12463517.
  • Schaaf RC, Miller LJ (2005). "Occupational therapy using a sensory integrative approach for children with developmental disabilities". Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev 11 (2): 143–8. doi:10.1002/mrdd.20067. ببمد15977314.
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  • Kinnealey, Moya; Patten Koenig, Kristie; Smith, Sinclair (2011). "Relationships Between Sensory Modulation and Social Supports and Health-Related Quality of Life".American Journal of Occupational Therapy 65 (3): 320–327. ببمد21675338.
  • Carter, A. S.; A. Ben-Sasson; M. J. Briggs-Gowan (2009). "Sensory Over-Responsivity in Elementary School: Prevalence and Social-Emotional Correlates" (PDF). J Abnorm Child Psychol 37 (5): 705–716. doi:10.1007/s10802-008-9295-8. ببمد19153827.
  • Ahn, RR.; Miller, LJ.; Milberger, S.; McIntosh, DN. (2004). "Prevalence of parents' perceptions of sensory processing disorders among kindergarten children." (PDF). Am J OccupTher 58 (3): 287–93. doi:10.5014/ajot.58.3.287. ببمد15202626.
  • Ghanizadeh A (June 2011). "Sensory processing problems in children with ADHD, a systematic review". Psychiatry Investig 8 (2): 89–94. doi:10.4306/pi.2011.8.2.89.PMC 3149116. ببمد21852983.
  • Lane AE, Young RL, Baker AE, Angley MT (January 2010). "Sensory processing subtypes in autism: association with adaptive behavior". J Autism Dev Disord 40 (1): 112–22. doi:10.1007/s10803-009-0840-2. ببمد19644746.
  • Tomchek SD, Dunn W (2007). "Sensory processing in children with and without autism: a comparative study using the short sensory profile". Am J OccupTher 61 (2): 190–200.doi:10.5014/ajot.61.2.190. ببمد17436841.
  • Kern JK, Trivedi MH, Grannemann BD et al. (March 2007). "Sensory correlations in autism". Autism 11 (2): 123–34. doi:10.1177/1362361307075702. ببمد17353213.
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  • Green SA, Ben-Sasson A (December 2010). "Anxiety disorders and sensory over-responsivity in children with autism spectrum disorders: is there a causal relationship?". J Autism Dev Disord 40 (12): 1495–504. doi:10.1007/s10803-010-1007-x.PMC 2980623. ببمد20383658.
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  • Baranek GT, David FJ, Poe MD, Stone WL, Watson LR (June 2006). "Sensory Experiences Questionnaire: discriminating sensory features in young children with autism, developmental delays, and typical development". J Child Psychol Psychiatry 47 (6): 591–601. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01546.x. ببمد16712636.
  • Little LM, Freuler AC, Houser MB et al. (2011). "Psychometric validation of the Sensory Experiences Questionnaire". Am J OccupTher 65 (2): 207–10. PMC 3163482.ببمد21476368
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  • Ross LA, Saint-Amour D, Leavitt VM, Molholm S, Javitt DC, Foxe JJ (December 2007). "Impaired multisensory processing in schizophrenia: deficits in the visual enhancement of speech comprehension under noisy environmental conditions". Schizophr. Res. 97 (1-3): 173–83. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2007.08.008. ببمد17928202.
  • Leavitt VM, Molholm S, Ritter W, Shpaner M, Foxe JJ (September 2007). "Auditory processing in schizophrenia during the middle latency period (10–50 ms): high-density electrical mapping and source analysis reveal subcortical antecedents to early cortical deficits". J Psychiatry Neurosci 32 (5): 339–53. PMC 1963354. ببمد17823650.
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  • Kratz SV (June 2009). "Sensory integration intervention: historical concepts, treatment strategies and clinical experiences in three patients with succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency". J. Inherit. Metab. Dis. 32 (3): 353–60.doi:10.1007/s10545-009-1149-1. ببمد19381864.
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  • Bharadwaj SV, Daniel LL, Matzke PL (2009). "Sensory-processing disorder in children with cochlear implants". Am J OccupTher 63 (2): 208–13. doi:10.5014/ajot.63.2.208.ببمد19432059.
  • Zamm A, Schlaug G, Eagleman DM, Loui P (July 2013). "Pathways to seeing music: enhanced structural connectivity in colored-music synesthesia". Neuroimage 74: 359–66.doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.02.024. ببمد23454047.
  • Cohen Kadosh R, Terhune DB (February 2012). "Redefining synaesthesia?". Br J Psychol103 (1): 20–3. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.2010.02003.x. ببمد22229770.
  • Segal MM, Rogers GF, Needleman HL, Chapman CA (2007). "Hypokalemic sensory overstimulation". J Child Neurol 22 (12): 1408–10. doi:10.1177/0883073807307095.ببمد18174562.
  • Dunn W (2001). "The sensations of everyday life: empirical, theoretical, and pragmatic considerations". Am J OccupTher 55 (6): 608–20. doi:10.5014/ajot.55.6.608.ببمد12959225.



  • ICD 10 نسخة محفوظة 18 سبتمبر 2016 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  • "Official Documents of The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc". American Journal of Occupational Therapy. ج. 55 ع. 6: 689–690. 1 نوفمبر 2001. DOI:10.5014/ajot.55.6.689. ISSN:0272-9490. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-02-20.


  • "Official Documents of The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc". American Journal of Occupational Therapy. ج. 55 ع. 6: 689–690. 1 نوفمبر 2001. DOI:10.5014/ajot.55.6.689. ISSN:0272-9490. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-02-20.