Historian Julio César Jobet describes how repeated attempts by the traditional Chilean left ("FRAP", a front formed by the الحزب الاشتراكي في تشيلي and the الحزب الشيوعي التشيلي) to win the presidential elections of 1958 and 1964 failed. The author mentions as cause, "the sterile alliance of the working class parties with petty-bourgeois democratic parties". The new Popular Unity (Chile) was only able to access government in the elections of 1970. See pages 57-60 in "El Partido Socialista de Chile", Tomo I, Ediciones Prensa Latinoamericana S.A., Chile, 1971. [1]نسخة محفوظة 25 مارس 2016 على موقع واي باك مشين.
Historian Julio César Jobet describes how repeated attempts by the traditional Chilean left ("FRAP", a front formed by the الحزب الاشتراكي في تشيلي and the الحزب الشيوعي التشيلي) to win the presidential elections of 1958 and 1964 failed. The author mentions as cause, "the sterile alliance of the working class parties with petty-bourgeois democratic parties". The new Popular Unity (Chile) was only able to access government in the elections of 1970. See pages 57-60 in "El Partido Socialista de Chile", Tomo I, Ediciones Prensa Latinoamericana S.A., Chile, 1971. [1]نسخة محفوظة 25 مارس 2016 على موقع واي باك مشين.