Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. "A Brief Account of the American Experience"(PDF). Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. VI; Appendix A. U.S. Government Printing Office. ص. A–7. مؤرشف من الأصل(PDF) في 2011-05-04. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2006-06-26.
Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. "A Brief Account of the American Experience"(PDF). Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy. VI; Appendix A. U.S. Government Printing Office. ص. A–7. مؤرشف من الأصل(PDF) في 2011-05-04. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2006-06-26.