Lee, Ye-jin (18 Jan 2024). '재벌 3세' 안보현, 백종원과 요리 과외..."저 지금 요리해유" (재벌X형사) [Ahn Bo-hyun, a third-generation "chaebol" student, teaches cooking with Baek Jong-won..."I'm cooking now" (Chaebol X Detective)] (بالكورية). Xports News. Archived from the original on 2024-01-18. Retrieved 2024-01-18 – via نافير.
Kang, Seon-ae (6 Dec 2022). "섹시매미' 추성훈·김동현vs'슈퍼좀비' 정찬성·최두호…'순정파이터', 팀 포스터 공개" ['Sexy Cicada' Choo Sung-hoon and Kim Dong-hyun vs 'Super Zombie' Jung Chan-seong and Choi Doo-ho... 'Pure Fighter' team poster released] (بالكورية). SBS Entertainment News. Archived from the original on 2024-07-11. Retrieved 2022-12-25 – via نافير.
Choi, Jeong-ah (9 Sep 2021). "이하이, 등장한 '빨간 립스틱' 뮤비 티저 공개…박재범→정찬성 총출동" [Lee Hi, 'Red Lipstick' MV teaser released... Jae-beom Park → Chan-seong Jeong]. Sportsworld (بالكورية). Archived from the original on 2024-07-11. Retrieved 2021-09-09 – via نافير.
Jung talked about himself in a video that was published to YouTube on February 2, 2017. From the 0:14 mark of the video to the 0:21 mark of the video, someone asked Jung, "Give us an idea of what the last couple of years was like. I mean, was he following martial arts? Was he paying attention to the UFC? What was it like for him?" From the 0:35 mark of the video to the 0:45 mark of the video, Brian Rhee, Jung's translator, translated Jung's response as, "Yeah, I was uh, I was watching the UFC, MMA, everyday, uh, training everyday as well, and of course, I have two daughters now, so I was busy raising them." نسخة محفوظة 2023-08-22 على موقع واي باك مشين.
Lee, Ye-jin (18 Jan 2024). '재벌 3세' 안보현, 백종원과 요리 과외..."저 지금 요리해유" (재벌X형사) [Ahn Bo-hyun, a third-generation "chaebol" student, teaches cooking with Baek Jong-won..."I'm cooking now" (Chaebol X Detective)] (بالكورية). Xports News. Archived from the original on 2024-01-18. Retrieved 2024-01-18 – via نافير.
Kang, Seon-ae (6 Dec 2022). "섹시매미' 추성훈·김동현vs'슈퍼좀비' 정찬성·최두호…'순정파이터', 팀 포스터 공개" ['Sexy Cicada' Choo Sung-hoon and Kim Dong-hyun vs 'Super Zombie' Jung Chan-seong and Choi Doo-ho... 'Pure Fighter' team poster released] (بالكورية). SBS Entertainment News. Archived from the original on 2024-07-11. Retrieved 2022-12-25 – via نافير.
Choi, Jeong-ah (9 Sep 2021). "이하이, 등장한 '빨간 립스틱' 뮤비 티저 공개…박재범→정찬성 총출동" [Lee Hi, 'Red Lipstick' MV teaser released... Jae-beom Park → Chan-seong Jeong]. Sportsworld (بالكورية). Archived from the original on 2024-07-11. Retrieved 2021-09-09 – via نافير.
"Chan Sung". Sherdog. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2024-12-04. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2019-12-22.
Jung talked about himself in a video that was published to YouTube on February 2, 2017. From the 0:14 mark of the video to the 0:21 mark of the video, someone asked Jung, "Give us an idea of what the last couple of years was like. I mean, was he following martial arts? Was he paying attention to the UFC? What was it like for him?" From the 0:35 mark of the video to the 0:45 mark of the video, Brian Rhee, Jung's translator, translated Jung's response as, "Yeah, I was uh, I was watching the UFC, MMA, everyday, uh, training everyday as well, and of course, I have two daughters now, so I was busy raising them." نسخة محفوظة 2023-08-22 على موقع واي باك مشين.