إريك إس. غروين, Diaspora: Jews Amidst Greeks and Romansدار نشر جامعة هارفارد, 2009 pp.3-4, pp.233-234: 'Compulsory dislocation, . .cannot have accounted for more than a fraction of the diaspora. . . The vast bulk of Jews who dwelled abroad in the Second Temple Period did so voluntarily.' (2)'.Diaspora did not await the fall of Jerusalem to Roman power and destructiveness. The scattering of Jews had begun long before-occasionally through forced expulsion, much more frequently through voluntary migration.' نسخة محفوظة 5 فبراير 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.
إريك إس. غروين, Diaspora: Jews Amidst Greeks and Romansدار نشر جامعة هارفارد, 2009 pp.3-4, pp.233-234: 'Compulsory dislocation, . .cannot have accounted for more than a fraction of the diaspora. . . The vast bulk of Jews who dwelled abroad in the Second Temple Period did so voluntarily.' (2)'.Diaspora did not await the fall of Jerusalem to Roman power and destructiveness. The scattering of Jews had begun long before-occasionally through forced expulsion, much more frequently through voluntary migration.' نسخة محفوظة 5 فبراير 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.
"In the beginning, when the Torah was forgotten by Israel, Ezra came from Babylonia and reestablished it. Later the Torah became forgotten again. Then came Hillel[الإنجليزية] the Babylonian and reestablished it." Sukkah 20a