UN Document E/1981/81 Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council, organizational session for 1981, New York, 3-6 February 1981, 1st regular session of 1981, New York, 14 April - 8 May 1981. "1981/134. Elections, appointments and nominations to subsidiary and related bodies of the Council"
UN Document A/RES/61/136 Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
UN Document E/2007/99 Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council : organizational session for 2007, New York, 17 and 22 January, 6, 9 and 15 February, 2 and 15 March and 16 April 2007; resumed organizational session for 2007, New York, 25 and 26 April and 24 May 2007; substantive session of 2007, Geneva, 2-27 July 2007; resumed substantive session of 2007, New York, 4 and 17 October 2007 "2007/201. Elections, nominations, confirmations and appointments to subsidiary and related bodies of the Economic and Social Council"