See Geneva College discussion of a biblical foundation for a broader concept of multiculturalism based on this verse" "Rather, human diversification receives its first mention in Genesis 1:27, where the text announces the creation of the one human race: 'So God created the human race in his own image ... male and female he made them.' The text's singular term, 'human race' (`Adam in Hebrew), is specified as diverse in gender, male and female. Diversification immediately receives further stimulus in the Cultural Mandate of Genesis 1:28: "Be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it." This divine command calls explicitly for the scattering of the race—a theme that shall recur in the Genesis narratives—and thus calls implicitly for cultural diversification." Byron Curtis, "A Blueprint for Excellence Through Diversity at Geneva College", (Geneva College, 1999). نسخة محفوظة 1 نوفمبر 2014 على موقع واي باك مشين.
"The insistence that equality is a western concept to be defended against the incursions of others relies on a continued deafness to resistant voices from outside Judaeo-Christian contexts. This, ironically, makes the self-proclaimed liberals who insist on this useful collaborators for authoritarian chauvinists from outside the west. For they are all in curious agreement that women's equality is a western concept and call for it, accordingly, to be either enforced (that's why we sent in the troops) or rejected (by keeping women secluded)." Priyamvada Gopal, "West has no monopoly on battle for gender equalityنسخة محفوظة June 12, 2010, على موقع واي باك مشين.", Kuwait Times September 30, 2007. [وصلة مكسورة]
See Geneva College discussion of a biblical foundation for a broader concept of multiculturalism based on this verse" "Rather, human diversification receives its first mention in Genesis 1:27, where the text announces the creation of the one human race: 'So God created the human race in his own image ... male and female he made them.' The text's singular term, 'human race' (`Adam in Hebrew), is specified as diverse in gender, male and female. Diversification immediately receives further stimulus in the Cultural Mandate of Genesis 1:28: "Be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it." This divine command calls explicitly for the scattering of the race—a theme that shall recur in the Genesis narratives—and thus calls implicitly for cultural diversification." Byron Curtis, "A Blueprint for Excellence Through Diversity at Geneva College", (Geneva College, 1999). نسخة محفوظة 1 نوفمبر 2014 على موقع واي باك مشين.
"The insistence that equality is a western concept to be defended against the incursions of others relies on a continued deafness to resistant voices from outside Judaeo-Christian contexts. This, ironically, makes the self-proclaimed liberals who insist on this useful collaborators for authoritarian chauvinists from outside the west. For they are all in curious agreement that women's equality is a western concept and call for it, accordingly, to be either enforced (that's why we sent in the troops) or rejected (by keeping women secluded)." Priyamvada Gopal, "West has no monopoly on battle for gender equalityنسخة محفوظة June 12, 2010, على موقع واي باك مشين.", Kuwait Times September 30, 2007. [وصلة مكسورة]