Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "بول ألكسندر (محامي)" in Arabic language version.
Paul Alexander, um den es in diesem Text geht, ist am 11. März 2024 gestorben....Letztlich war es kein Defekt der Eisernen Lunge, sondern eine Corona-Infektion, die zu seinem Tod führte. Er starb friedlich im Beisein seines Bruders.[Paul Alexander, who is the subject of this text, died on March 11, 2024...Ultimately, it was not an iron lung defect, but a corona infection that led to his death. He died peacefully in the presence of his brother.]
Paul Alexander, um den es in diesem Text geht, ist am 11. März 2024 gestorben....Letztlich war es kein Defekt der Eisernen Lunge, sondern eine Corona-Infektion, die zu seinem Tod führte. Er starb friedlich im Beisein seines Bruders.[Paul Alexander, who is the subject of this text, died on March 11, 2024...Ultimately, it was not an iron lung defect, but a corona infection that led to his death. He died peacefully in the presence of his brother.]