Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "بيتر والدو" in Arabic language version.
little is known with certainty about the reputed founder, Valdes (also called Peter Waldo, or Valdo). As a layman, Valdes preached (1170–76) in Lyon, France
Pope Lucius III consequently included them among the heretics against whom he issued a Bull of excommunication at Verona in 1184.
The real founder of the sect was a wealthy merchant of Lyon who in the early documents is called Waldes (Waldo)…On the feast of the Assumption, 1176, he disposed of the last of his earthly possessions and shortly after took the vow of poverty.
Pope Lucius III consequently included them among the heretics against whom he issued a Bull of excommunication at Verona in 1184.
The real founder of the sect was a wealthy merchant of Lyon who in the early documents is called Waldes (Waldo)…On the feast of the Assumption, 1176, he disposed of the last of his earthly possessions and shortly after took the vow of poverty.
little is known with certainty about the reputed founder, Valdes (also called Peter Waldo, or Valdo). As a layman, Valdes preached (1170–76) in Lyon, France