Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "تجربة أوبيرا" in Arabic language version.
{{استشهاد بأرخايف}}
: الوسيط |arxiv=
مطلوب (مساعدة)MINOS scientists may perform experiments of their own in as soon as six months, said particle physicist and MINOS co-spokesperson Jenny Thomas. Plans to test the CERN results in Japan's multinational T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) experiment are in the works, said neutrino physicist and T2K spokesman Chang Kee Jung.
That group found, although with less precision, that the neutrino speeds were consistent with the speed of light.
MINOS scientists may perform experiments of their own in as soon as six months, said particle physicist and MINOS co-spokesperson Jenny Thomas. Plans to test the CERN results in Japan's multinational T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) experiment are in the works, said neutrino physicist and T2K spokesman Chang Kee Jung.
That group found, although with less precision, that the neutrino speeds were consistent with the speed of light.