Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "تفكك اجتماعي" in Arabic language version.
It is an apparent paradox of globalization that the increasing global economic integration that it creates leads more to social disintegration rather than to social integration. Economic organizations become more 'disembedded' from social relations and the welfare safety nets that once prevented social disintegration become less effective or token only. This is similar to the process Polanyi described for the الثورة الصناعية that led to 'an avalanche of social dislocation.... This catastrophe was the accompaniment of a vast movement of economic improvement' (Polyani 1957, 40).
It is an apparent paradox of globalization that the increasing global economic integration that it creates leads more to social disintegration rather than to social integration. Economic organizations become more 'disembedded' from social relations and the welfare safety nets that once prevented social disintegration become less effective or token only. This is similar to the process Polanyi described for the الثورة الصناعية that led to 'an avalanche of social dislocation.... This catastrophe was the accompaniment of a vast movement of economic improvement' (Polyani 1957, 40).