Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "تقسيم بلجيكا" in Arabic language version.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: صيانة الاستشهاد: أسماء متعددة: قائمة المؤلفين (link)The capital Brussels, 80–85% French-speaking...Strictly, the capital is the municipality (City of) Brussels, though the Brussels-Capital Region might be intended because of its name and also its other municipalities housing institutions typical for a capital.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: صيانة الاستشهاد: أسماء متعددة: قائمة المؤلفين (link)'We moeten alle scenario's overwegen, dus ook de splitsing van het land.' Niet zonder enig gevoel voor dramatiek stelde PS-boegbeeld Laurette Onkelinx de tegenstellingen op scherp.
Some 45% of Dutch nationals would welcome a merger between the Netherlands and the Flemish community in Belgium, according to polling agency Maurice de Hond.
The Vlaams Belang strives for the secession of Flanders from the artificial Belgian state. Our aim is to dissolve Belgium and establish an independent Flemish state. This state will be sovereign over the Dutch-speaking territory of Belgium and will include Brussels, which is the capital of Flanders but will have a separate linguistic status.
وكالة فيتش believes while the eventual partition of Belgium has always been a possibility, it is unlikely to happen over the medium-term. It added that the most likely scenario is that hard-fought negotiation will result in إصلاح الدولة في بلجيكا that further decentralise the Belgian state.
Vous personnellement, en cas d'éclatement de la Belgique, seriez-vous favorable ou pas favorable au rattachement de la Wallonie, c'est-à-dire des provinces francophones, à la France? 44%, Plutôt favorable; 18%, Plutôt pas favorable; 23%, Pas du tout favorable; 5%, Ne se prononce pas; 10%, Tout à fait favorable. Étude réalisée du 8 au 9 novembre [2007] auprès d'un échantillon de 958 personnes, représentatif de la population française âgée de 18 ans et plus. [Transl.: To you personally, in case of splitting of Belgium, would you be favourable or not favourable to the unification of Wallonia, that is to say of the [Belgian] French-speaking provinces, to France? 44% somewhat favourable; 18% Rather not favourable; 23% In no way favourable; 5% No opinion; 10% Strongly favourable. Survey conducted on November 8–9 from a sample of 958 persons, representative of the French adult population.]
[...]Daniel Ducarme [...] propose [...] que les francophones créent une «Belgique française», réunissant les régions de Bruxelles et de Wallonie, qui serait «associée» à la France ! [Daniel Ducarme proposes that the francophones create a "French Belgium", unifying the regions of Brussels and Wallonia, which would be "associated" to France]
نيكولا ساركوزي: "La position de la France est que la Belgique ... surmonte ses difficultés. Nous ne voulons en aucun cas interférer." [The position of France is that Belgium should overcome its difficulties. We do not want to interfere under any circumstances.]
Une affaire «belgo-belge», tranche Poniatowski :«On ne doit pas intervenir, c'est un État de droit.» [...] Quant à la solution, saugrenue, d'un rattachement de la Wallonie à la France en cas d'implosion, elle est vite balayée. Retour d'une «vieille tradition napoléonienne» pour l'eurodéputé Jean-Louis Bourlanges, «perspective absurde et vertigineuse», juge Moscovici. Et lâche Lazaro : «Qui est-on pour dire "vous n'êtes pas bien chez vous, venez chez nous !" ?» [A "inner Belgian" affair, said Ponitowski : "We cannot intervene, this is a Rechtsstaat." [...] The strange solution of an union with France in case of implosion is fastly put aside. This would be a come back of an "old Napoleonic tradition" for the MEP Jean-Louis Bourlanges, "an absurd and vertiginous perspective", declares Moscovici. Lazaro said: "Who are we to say 'you are not all-well at home, please come home with us!'?"]
For almost a century (and in spite of the deficient methodology) there were, with the exception of Brussels, no significant differences from one census to another (Martens, 1975), a fact demonstrating the remarkable stability of Belgium's linguistic communities.
In Belgium the constitutional notion of language border not only refers to the demarcation lines between monolingual territories but also to the demarcation lines between monolingual and officially bilingual zones
An estimated 25,000 people marched in Belgium's capital Sunday to vent their anger about a political deadlock that has prevented a government from taking office and stoked fears the nation of Dutch- and French-speakers may break apart. ... Marie-Claire Houart's petition calling for unity has been signed by 140,000 Belgians in recent weeks. It urges politicians "to stop wasting money at our expense on quarrels that interest only a small minority."
« Même pas peur », réagit la Flandre, qui peine à prendre la menace au sérieux. Côté francophone aussi, on a de gros doutes. Comme au MR, sur la touche des négociations politiques : « Je ne crois pas à la sincérité des socialistes qui se sont exprimés de cette façon. Ils veulent faire peur aux francophones à un point tel que ce qu'ils accepteront par la suite apparaîtra comme une solution, un soulagement », décode le sénateur Richard Miller.
Dans le même temps, le PS sort du bois vu la tournure des événements pour évoquer la fin possible de la Belgique. En quelques jours, les barons du parti, de فيليب مورو à Laurette Onkelinx, en passant par Jean-Claude Marcourt et Rudy Demotte, ont tous dit haut et fort, et très clairement que la fin du pays était possible et, surtout, que les francophones devaient s'y préparer.
The necessary alliance of our two regions, Wallonia and Brussels, with France would ... have to be organised in line with that concept of our national identity. That would entail negotiations sanctioned by a referendum. Some form of special status may be envisaged for Brussels. As for the population of فورين, the six Brussels outlying communes and the مجتمع بلجيكي ناطق بالألمانية, they would of course be consulted on their status by means of a referendum under international control.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that because if we split, it will be the weakest who will pay the heaviest price. On the other hand, we can no longer ignore that among a large part of the Flemish population, it's their wish," Miss Onkelinx told La Deniere Heure newspaper. "So yes, we have to get ready for the break-up of Belgium.
The demonstration grew out of a website petition to "Save Belgium", which attracted 140,000 signatures in three months. Although about 35,000 marched yesterday, it was still a small percentage of the 10.5 million population.
Statistical data revealed that the Walloon population had a per capita consumption of publicly funded health care significantly higher than the Flemish population. This could be attributed in part to its demographic structure (more elderly people) and to its economic situation (more unemployment). But it was also due in part to medical habits that turned out to be more expensive in Wallonia than in Flanders.. Since the publication of this book, there are other figures and the Flemish daily newspaper De Standaard wrote it in 2007 : Guy Tegenbos "Scheeftrekkingen in ziektekosten bijna weg" (Imbalance almost vanished). in De Standaard, April 10, 2007.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: صيانة الاستشهاد: أسماء متعددة: قائمة المؤلفين (link)Mais [le flamand] ... ne devait plus être compris d'une large partie de la population en 1761, quand il fallut traduire en français le réglement de la confrérie de Saint-Sébastien, au terme d'un processus d'assimilation enclenché par les armées de Louis XIV. [Transl.: However it is certain that [Flemish] ... could not be spoken by a large part of the population in 1761 when the reglement of the brotherhood of Saint Sebastian had to be translated in French, after an assimilation process initiated by the armies of Louis XIV]
Le curé d'Opheylissem, ou d'Hélécine, note ... vers 1740–45: 'Les actes de loi furent mis en français seulement en 1730 ou 1733.' [Transl.: The curate of Oheylissem or Hélécine writes around 1740–45: 'the legal acts were written in French in 1730 or 1733 only.']
Une immigration flamande intensive détachera l'entité de la Wallonie. [Transl.: An intensive Flemish immigration detached the commune of Wallonnia]
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: روابط خارجية في |الأخير=
(مساعدة)صيانة الاستشهاد: أسماء عددية: قائمة المؤلفين (link)وكالة فيتش believes while the eventual partition of Belgium has always been a possibility, it is unlikely to happen over the medium-term. It added that the most likely scenario is that hard-fought negotiation will result in إصلاح الدولة في بلجيكا that further decentralise the Belgian state.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: روابط خارجية في |الأخير=
(مساعدة)صيانة الاستشهاد: أسماء عددية: قائمة المؤلفين (link)Statistical data revealed that the Walloon population had a per capita consumption of publicly funded health care significantly higher than the Flemish population. This could be attributed in part to its demographic structure (more elderly people) and to its economic situation (more unemployment). But it was also due in part to medical habits that turned out to be more expensive in Wallonia than in Flanders.. Since the publication of this book, there are other figures and the Flemish daily newspaper De Standaard wrote it in 2007 : Guy Tegenbos "Scheeftrekkingen in ziektekosten bijna weg" (Imbalance almost vanished). in De Standaard, April 10, 2007.
The capital Brussels, 80–85% French-speaking...Strictly, the capital is the municipality (City of) Brussels, though the Brussels-Capital Region might be intended because of its name and also its other municipalities housing institutions typical for a capital.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: صيانة الاستشهاد: أسماء متعددة: قائمة المؤلفين (link)For almost a century (and in spite of the deficient methodology) there were, with the exception of Brussels, no significant differences from one census to another (Martens, 1975), a fact demonstrating the remarkable stability of Belgium's linguistic communities.
Mais [le flamand] ... ne devait plus être compris d'une large partie de la population en 1761, quand il fallut traduire en français le réglement de la confrérie de Saint-Sébastien, au terme d'un processus d'assimilation enclenché par les armées de Louis XIV. [Transl.: However it is certain that [Flemish] ... could not be spoken by a large part of the population in 1761 when the reglement of the brotherhood of Saint Sebastian had to be translated in French, after an assimilation process initiated by the armies of Louis XIV]
Le curé d'Opheylissem, ou d'Hélécine, note ... vers 1740–45: 'Les actes de loi furent mis en français seulement en 1730 ou 1733.' [Transl.: The curate of Oheylissem or Hélécine writes around 1740–45: 'the legal acts were written in French in 1730 or 1733 only.']
Une immigration flamande intensive détachera l'entité de la Wallonie. [Transl.: An intensive Flemish immigration detached the commune of Wallonnia]
In Belgium the constitutional notion of language border not only refers to the demarcation lines between monolingual territories but also to the demarcation lines between monolingual and officially bilingual zones
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: صيانة الاستشهاد: الأرشيف كعنوان (link)[...]Daniel Ducarme [...] propose [...] que les francophones créent une «Belgique française», réunissant les régions de Bruxelles et de Wallonie, qui serait «associée» à la France ! [Daniel Ducarme proposes that the francophones create a "French Belgium", unifying the regions of Brussels and Wallonia, which would be "associated" to France]
Dans le même temps, le PS sort du bois vu la tournure des événements pour évoquer la fin possible de la Belgique. En quelques jours, les barons du parti, de فيليب مورو à Laurette Onkelinx, en passant par Jean-Claude Marcourt et Rudy Demotte, ont tous dit haut et fort, et très clairement que la fin du pays était possible et, surtout, que les francophones devaient s'y préparer.
'We moeten alle scenario's overwegen, dus ook de splitsing van het land.' Niet zonder enig gevoel voor dramatiek stelde PS-boegbeeld Laurette Onkelinx de tegenstellingen op scherp.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that because if we split, it will be the weakest who will pay the heaviest price. On the other hand, we can no longer ignore that among a large part of the Flemish population, it's their wish," Miss Onkelinx told La Deniere Heure newspaper. "So yes, we have to get ready for the break-up of Belgium.
« Même pas peur », réagit la Flandre, qui peine à prendre la menace au sérieux. Côté francophone aussi, on a de gros doutes. Comme au MR, sur la touche des négociations politiques : « Je ne crois pas à la sincérité des socialistes qui se sont exprimés de cette façon. Ils veulent faire peur aux francophones à un point tel que ce qu'ils accepteront par la suite apparaîtra comme une solution, un soulagement », décode le sénateur Richard Miller.
The Vlaams Belang strives for the secession of Flanders from the artificial Belgian state. Our aim is to dissolve Belgium and establish an independent Flemish state. This state will be sovereign over the Dutch-speaking territory of Belgium and will include Brussels, which is the capital of Flanders but will have a separate linguistic status.
The necessary alliance of our two regions, Wallonia and Brussels, with France would ... have to be organised in line with that concept of our national identity. That would entail negotiations sanctioned by a referendum. Some form of special status may be envisaged for Brussels. As for the population of فورين, the six Brussels outlying communes and the مجتمع بلجيكي ناطق بالألمانية, they would of course be consulted on their status by means of a referendum under international control.
An estimated 25,000 people marched in Belgium's capital Sunday to vent their anger about a political deadlock that has prevented a government from taking office and stoked fears the nation of Dutch- and French-speakers may break apart. ... Marie-Claire Houart's petition calling for unity has been signed by 140,000 Belgians in recent weeks. It urges politicians "to stop wasting money at our expense on quarrels that interest only a small minority."
The demonstration grew out of a website petition to "Save Belgium", which attracted 140,000 signatures in three months. Although about 35,000 marched yesterday, it was still a small percentage of the 10.5 million population.
Some 45% of Dutch nationals would welcome a merger between the Netherlands and the Flemish community in Belgium, according to polling agency Maurice de Hond.
Vous personnellement, en cas d'éclatement de la Belgique, seriez-vous favorable ou pas favorable au rattachement de la Wallonie, c'est-à-dire des provinces francophones, à la France? 44%, Plutôt favorable; 18%, Plutôt pas favorable; 23%, Pas du tout favorable; 5%, Ne se prononce pas; 10%, Tout à fait favorable. Étude réalisée du 8 au 9 novembre [2007] auprès d'un échantillon de 958 personnes, représentatif de la population française âgée de 18 ans et plus. [Transl.: To you personally, in case of splitting of Belgium, would you be favourable or not favourable to the unification of Wallonia, that is to say of the [Belgian] French-speaking provinces, to France? 44% somewhat favourable; 18% Rather not favourable; 23% In no way favourable; 5% No opinion; 10% Strongly favourable. Survey conducted on November 8–9 from a sample of 958 persons, representative of the French adult population.]
نيكولا ساركوزي: "La position de la France est que la Belgique ... surmonte ses difficultés. Nous ne voulons en aucun cas interférer." [The position of France is that Belgium should overcome its difficulties. We do not want to interfere under any circumstances.]
Une affaire «belgo-belge», tranche Poniatowski :«On ne doit pas intervenir, c'est un État de droit.» [...] Quant à la solution, saugrenue, d'un rattachement de la Wallonie à la France en cas d'implosion, elle est vite balayée. Retour d'une «vieille tradition napoléonienne» pour l'eurodéputé Jean-Louis Bourlanges, «perspective absurde et vertigineuse», juge Moscovici. Et lâche Lazaro : «Qui est-on pour dire "vous n'êtes pas bien chez vous, venez chez nous !" ?» [A "inner Belgian" affair, said Ponitowski : "We cannot intervene, this is a Rechtsstaat." [...] The strange solution of an union with France in case of implosion is fastly put aside. This would be a come back of an "old Napoleonic tradition" for the MEP Jean-Louis Bourlanges, "an absurd and vertiginous perspective", declares Moscovici. Lazaro said: "Who are we to say 'you are not all-well at home, please come home with us!'?"]
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: صيانة الاستشهاد: الأرشيف كعنوان (link)