The claim that Sozopetra or Arsamosata was Mu'tasim's native city is found only in Byzantine sources. This claim is dismissed by most scholars as a later invention, i.e. as a parallel to Amorium, the likely birthplace of Theophilos. It was probably added deliberately to balance and lessen the effect of the blow that the latter's fall represented. Bury 1912، صفحة 262 (Note #6); Treadgold 1988، صفحة 440 (Note #401); Vasiliev 1935، صفحة 141. Kiapidou 2003, Note 1. نسخة محفوظة 30 مارس 2019 على موقع واي باك مشين.
The claim that Sozopetra or Arsamosata was Mu'tasim's native city is found only in Byzantine sources. This claim is dismissed by most scholars as a later invention, i.e. as a parallel to Amorium, the likely birthplace of Theophilos. It was probably added deliberately to balance and lessen the effect of the blow that the latter's fall represented. Bury 1912، صفحة 262 (Note #6); Treadgold 1988، صفحة 440 (Note #401); Vasiliev 1935، صفحة 141. Kiapidou 2003, Note 1. نسخة محفوظة 30 مارس 2019 على موقع واي باك مشين.