دخول العثمانيين الحرب العالمية الأولى (Arabic Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "دخول العثمانيين الحرب العالمية الأولى" in Arabic language version.

Global rank Arabic rank
1st place
1st place
2nd place
5th place
3rd place
8th place
441st place
1,334th place
26th place
31st place
6th place
3rd place



  • Mustafa Aksakal (2008). The Ottoman Road to War in 1914: The Ottoman Empire and the First World War. ص. 111–13. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-03-02.


  • Balci, Ali, et al. "War Decision and Neoclassical Realism: The Entry of the Ottoman Empire into the First World War." War in History (2018), دُوِي:10.1177/0968344518789707




  • C. Jay Smith, "Great Britain and the 1914-1915 Straits Agreement with Russia: The British Promise of November 1914." American Historical Review 70.4 (1965): 1015-1034. online نسخة محفوظة 2019-10-06 على موقع واي باك مشين.


  • Mustafa Aksakal (2008). The Ottoman Road to War in 1914: The Ottoman Empire and the First World War. ص. 111–13. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-03-02.
  • كلية الحرب البحرية, Neutrality Proclamations (1914–1918) Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1919, pp. 50–51. نسخة محفوظة 12 ديسمبر 2021 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  • C. Jay Smith, "Great Britain and the 1914-1915 Straits Agreement with Russia: The British Promise of November 1914." American Historical Review 70.4 (1965): 1015-1034. online نسخة محفوظة 2019-10-06 على موقع واي باك مشين.