Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "رموز صربيا" in Arabic language version.
Застава Српске православне Цркве је тро- бојка: црвено-плаво-бело, са златним крстом и огњилима.
nations (in a symbolical sense as well, for example, by removing the cross from the Serbian coat of arms but keeping the four stylized esses), and to socially curtail and politically marginalize religious communities and religion in general.
3.) Боя народна Србска єстъ отворено-црвена, бѣла и челикасто-угасита.
3.) Боя народна Србска єстъ отворено-црвена, бѣла и челикасто-угасита.
Застава Српске православне Цркве је тро- бојка: црвено-плаво-бело, са златним крстом и огњилима.
nations (in a symbolical sense as well, for example, by removing the cross from the Serbian coat of arms but keeping the four stylized esses), and to socially curtail and politically marginalize religious communities and religion in general.