Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ماثيو غولوفينسكي" in Arabic language version.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: |url=
بحاجة لعنوان (مساعدة) والوسيط |title=
غير موجود أو فارغ (من ويكي بيانات) (مساعدة){{استشهاد ويب}}
: تحقق من التاريخ في: |publication-date=
(help)Research by a leading Russian historian, Mikhail Lepekhine, in recently opened archives has found the forgery to be the work of Mathieu Golovinski, opportunistic scion of an aristocratic but rebellious family who drifted into a life of espionage and propaganda work.
Research by a leading Russian historian, Mikhail Lepekhine, in recently opened archives has found the forgery to be the work of Mathieu Golovinski, opportunistic scion of an aristocratic but rebellious family who drifted into a life of espionage and propaganda work.