نظام اقتصادي (Arabic Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "نظام اقتصادي" in Arabic language version.

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1st place
1st place
6th place
3rd place
459th place
685th place


  • Rosser، Mariana V. and J Barkley Jr. (July 23, 2003). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. ص. 1. ISBN:978-0262182348. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-09-26. Chapter 1 presents definitions and basic examples of the categories used in this book: tradition, market, and command for allocative mechanisms and capitalism and socialism for ownership systems. {{استشهاد بكتاب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة= لا يطابق |تاريخ= (مساعدة)
  • Rosser، Mariana V. and J Barkley Jr. (July 23, 2003). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. ص. 8. ISBN:978-0262182348. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-09-26. Indeed, aside from the variation of ownership forms, some follow certain ideas in Marx, saying that how one class relates to another is the crucial matter rather than specifically who owns what, with true socialism involving a lack of exploitation of one class by another. This kind of argument can lead to the position that the Soviet Union was not really socialist but a form of state capitalism in which the government leaders exploited the workers. {{استشهاد بكتاب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة= لا يطابق |تاريخ= (مساعدة)
  • Rosser، Mariana V. and J Barkley Jr. (July 23, 2003). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. ص. 8. ISBN:978-0262182348. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-09-26. This leads us to describe two extreme categories: market capitalism and command socialism. But this simple dichotomization raises the possibility of "cross forms,", namely, market socialism and command capitalism. Although less common than the previous two, both have existed. {{استشهاد بكتاب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة= لا يطابق |تاريخ= (مساعدة)




  • Rosser، Mariana V. and J Barkley Jr. (July 23, 2003). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. ص. 1. ISBN:978-0262182348. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-09-26. Chapter 1 presents definitions and basic examples of the categories used in this book: tradition, market, and command for allocative mechanisms and capitalism and socialism for ownership systems. {{استشهاد بكتاب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة= لا يطابق |تاريخ= (مساعدة)
  • Rosser، Mariana V. and J Barkley Jr. (July 23, 2003). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. ص. 8. ISBN:978-0262182348. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-09-26. Indeed, aside from the variation of ownership forms, some follow certain ideas in Marx, saying that how one class relates to another is the crucial matter rather than specifically who owns what, with true socialism involving a lack of exploitation of one class by another. This kind of argument can lead to the position that the Soviet Union was not really socialist but a form of state capitalism in which the government leaders exploited the workers. {{استشهاد بكتاب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة= لا يطابق |تاريخ= (مساعدة)
  • Mixed economy. نسخة محفوظة 24 ديسمبر 2017 على موقع واي باك مشين.
  • Rosser، Mariana V. and J Barkley Jr. (July 23, 2003). Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy. MIT Press. ص. 8. ISBN:978-0262182348. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-09-26. This leads us to describe two extreme categories: market capitalism and command socialism. But this simple dichotomization raises the possibility of "cross forms,", namely, market socialism and command capitalism. Although less common than the previous two, both have existed. {{استشهاد بكتاب}}: تحقق من التاريخ في: |سنة= لا يطابق |تاريخ= (مساعدة)