هادريان (Arabic Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "هادريان" in Arabic language version.

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43rd place
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1st place
26th place
31st place
6th place
3rd place
121st place
204th place
3rd place
8th place




  • Ronald Syme, "Hadrian and Italica" (Journal of Roman Studies, LIV, 1964; pp. 142–149) supports the position that Rome was Hadrian's birthplace. Canto argues that among the ancient sources, only the هستوريا أوغوستا, Vita Hadriani 2,4, claims this. 25 other sources, including Hadrian's horoscope, state that he was born in Italica. See Stephan Heiler, "The Emperor Hadrian in the Horoscopes of Antigonus of Nicaea", in Günther Oestmann, H. Darrel Rutkin, Kocku von Stuckrad, eds.,Horoscopes and Public Spheres: Essays on the History of Astrology, Walter de Gruyter, 2005, p. 49 (ردمك 978-3-11-018545-4): Cramer, FH., Astrology in Roman Law and Politics, Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 37, Philadelphia, 1954 (reprinted 1996), 162–178, footnotes 121b, 122 et al.,Googlebooks preview O. Neugebauer and H. B. Van Hoesen, "Greek Horoscopes" Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 48, 76, Philadelphia, 1959, pp. 80–90, 91, and footnote 19, googlebooks preview of 1987 edition نسخة محفوظة 28 أبريل 2016 على موقع واي باك مشين.




  • "Hadrianus". Реальный словарь классических древностей по Любкеру, 1885 (بالروسية): 585–586. 1885. QID:Q45273734.
  • Paul von Rohden (1893). "Aelius 64". Kategorie:RE:Band I,1 (بالألمانية). QID:Q19981259.