Rezachevici، Constantin (1999). Miller، Elizabeth (المحرر). "From the Order of the Dragon to Dracula". Journal of Dracula Studies. St John's, NL, Canada: Memorial University of Newfoundland. ج. 1. مؤرشف من الأصل في 14 أبريل 2008. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 18 أبريل 2008.
Lang، S. J. (1992)، "John Bradmore and His Book Philomena"، Social History of Medicine، ج. 5، ص. 121–130، DOI:10.1093/shm/5.1.121، PMID:11612773.
Several combinations of 9 August 16 September, and the years 1386 and 1387 frequently feature as birth dates. 16 September appears in Henry V's birth record found in Prologus in Cronica Regina (printed by Hearne), which states that he was born in the feast of St. Edith. Another document, located at مكتبة جون رايلندز (French MS 54), gives the specific date of 16 September 1386. The only early authority which places his birth in August is Memorials of Henry V (ed. Cole, p. 64: "natus in Augusto fueras"); the date 9 August is first given by باولو جيوفيو, but seems to be a misprint for his coronation date (9 April). The only other evidence for a birth in August would be a statement that he was in his 36th year (aged 35) when he died.[11] This would place Henry V's birth in September 1386 or August 1387.[12] Since Henry's household was at Monmouth in 1386 but not in 1387, and a specific date is given for 1386, the date of 16 September 1386 is now regarded as the correct one.[13]
Lang، S. J. (1992)، "John Bradmore and His Book Philomena"، Social History of Medicine، ج. 5، ص. 121–130، DOI:10.1093/shm/5.1.121، PMID:11612773.
Rezachevici، Constantin (1999). Miller، Elizabeth (المحرر). "From the Order of the Dragon to Dracula". Journal of Dracula Studies. St John's, NL, Canada: Memorial University of Newfoundland. ج. 1. مؤرشف من الأصل في 14 أبريل 2008. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 18 أبريل 2008.