Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "وأنتم تشنقون الزنوج" in Arabic language version.
the stabilization of certain commonly canonized demagogical tricks (A: Your subway does not operate according to the timetable; B: Well, in your country you lynch Blacks)
This quotation is a typical example of flipping the argument, failing to answer charges with accusations akin to the aforementioned joke: 'and you lynch Negroes in your country'.
This was the same in the Stalinist Soviet Union, when, in response to any story of a rise in the well-being of the Americans, the vigilant Soviet worker was supposed to utter something proudly along the lines of 'But on the other hand, you lynch blacks there!'
During Soviet times, the Soviet working class hated America because everybody knew 'tam linchuiut negrov' (they lynch blacks over there).
And at your place, they beat up Negroes!
you beat up Negroes!
Soon Americans[,] who criticized the Soviet Union for its human rights violations[,] were answered with the famous tu quoque argument: 'A u vas negrov linchuyut' (and you are lynching Negroes).
Soon Americans[,] who criticized the Soviet Union for its human rights violations[,] were answered with the famous tu quoque argument: 'A u vas negrov linchuyut' (and you are lynching Negroes).
During Soviet times, the Soviet working class hated America because everybody knew 'tam linchuiut negrov' (they lynch blacks over there).
you beat up Negroes!
And at your place, they beat up Negroes!
And they beat up Blacks at your country!