A.L.P. Burdett, Historical Overview, "Armenia: Political And Ethnic Boundaries 1878–1948", http://www.archiveeditions.co.uk/titledetails.asp?tid=19Arxivləşdirilib 2017-09-17 at the Wayback Machine, A.L.P. Burdett, Cambridge Univercity, 1998
"…and encouraged 100,000 Armenians to return to the Armenian SSR, but also forced thousands of ethnic Azerbaijanis living in Armenia to move to Azerbaijan and thus make room for the incoming Armenian repatriates. Слово forced.
Stuart J. Kaufman – Professor of Political Science and International Relations, joined the University of Delaware faculty in 2004. He taught at the University of Kentucky from 1990 to 2004. He specializes in ethnic conflict, international security affairs and international relations theory. The winner of a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship for 1998–99, Dr. Kaufman spent 1999 working as Director for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs on the U.S. National Security Council staff. Dr. Kaufman earned his B.A. (1983) from Harvard University, and his M.A. (1985) and Ph.D. (1991) from the University of Michigan. "Modern hatreds: the symbolic politics of ethnic war", http://books.google.com/books?id=2Plw98pTk5wC&pg=PA67&dq=ethnic+cleansing+against+Azerbaijanis&ei=HoE7Sre7G4y2yQSUhry6BQ&hl=ruArxivləşdirilib 2021-07-22 at the Wayback Machine, США, Cornell University Press, 2001, Səh. 62: "Armenians began driving ethnic Azerbaijanis from their homes, (…The result of rising hostility was the virtual ethnic cleansing of Armenia and Azerbaijan proper in November 1988)
Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, HUSEYNOV, Rafael, Azerbaijan, ALDE;AÇIKGÖZ Ruhi, Turkey, EDG; ÇAVUSOĞLU, Mevlüt, Turkey, EDG; GOULET, Daniel, France, ALDE(Sénateur – Sénat France – Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard – 75291 – Paris cedex 06 – Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 34 29 26 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 34 40 84 –
E-mail: d.goulet@senat.fr); HAJIYEV, Sabir, Azerbaijan, SOC; IBRAHIMLI, Fazail, Azerbaijan, ALDE; ILASCU, Ilie, Romania, NRI; ILICALI, Mustafa, Turkey, EPP/CD; ĐNCEKARA, Halide, Turkey, EPP/CD; MIRZAZADA, Aydin, Azerbaijan, EDG; PROVERA, Fiorello, Italy, ALDE; RAKHANSKY, Anatoliy, Ukraine, UEL; RIGONI, Andrea, Italy, EPP/CD; SEYIDOV, Samad, Azerbaijan, EDG;TEKELĐOĞLU, Mehmet, Turkey, EPP/CD, "The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis", http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc06/EDOC10990.pdfArxivləşdirilib 2009-07-30 at the Wayback Machine,
Mr. Rafael Huseynov, Parlamentary of PACE, Council of Europe, 2006, səh. 1–2: "Nowadays, this country-invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to "create Great Armenia from sea to sea" are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well. Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of "small Armenia states" in several countries of their compact living by using separatism, ethnic cleansing and terrorism the "Armenianism" can only be stopped by means of common efforts"
Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, HUSEYNOV, Rafael, Azerbaijan, ALDE;AÇIKGÖZ Ruhi, Turkey, EDG; ÇAVUSOĞLU, Mevlüt, Turkey, EDG; GOULET, Daniel, France, ALDE(Sénateur – Sénat France – Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard – 75291 – Paris cedex 06 – Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 34 29 26 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 34 40 84 –
E-mail: d.goulet@senat.fr); HAJIYEV, Sabir, Azerbaijan, SOC; IBRAHIMLI, Fazail, Azerbaijan, ALDE; ILASCU, Ilie, Romania, NRI; ILICALI, Mustafa, Turkey, EPP/CD; ĐNCEKARA, Halide, Turkey, EPP/CD; MIRZAZADA, Aydin, Azerbaijan, EDG; PROVERA, Fiorello, Italy, ALDE; RAKHANSKY, Anatoliy, Ukraine, UEL; RIGONI, Andrea, Italy, EPP/CD; SEYIDOV, Samad, Azerbaijan, EDG;TEKELĐOĞLU, Mehmet, Turkey, EPP/CD, "The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis", http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc06/EDOC10990.pdfArxivləşdirilib 2009-07-30 at the Wayback Machine, Mr. Rafael Huseynov, Parlamentary of PACE, Strasburq, Council of Europe, 2006, səh. 1–2 (The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis (Azərbaycanlılara qarşı etnik təmizlənmənin erməni siyasəti), Nowadays, this country-invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to "create Great Armenia from sea to sea" are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well. Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of "small Armenia states" in several countries of their compact living by using separatism, ethnic cleansing and terrorism the "Armenianism" can only be stopped by means of
common efforts.
http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/TestFrame/1afd81b92edde1bc80256650004effc5?OpendocumentArxivləşdirilib 2009-07-21 at the Wayback Machine Letter dated 26 May 1988 from the Permanent Representative of the Azerbaijan Republic to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the secretariat of the Sub-Commission on Prevention
of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities – (Signed): Sima EIVAZOVA – Ambassador – Information on mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical and ethnic lands in the territory of the Armenian SSR between 1948 and 1953
Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, HUSEYNOV, Rafael, Azerbaijan, ALDE;AÇIKGÖZ Ruhi, Turkey, EDG; ÇAVUSOĞLU, Mevlüt, Turkey, EDG; GOULET, Daniel, France, ALDE(Sénateur – Sénat France – Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard – 75291 – Paris cedex 06 – Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 34 29 26 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 34 40 84 –
E-mail: d.goulet@senat.fr); HAJIYEV, Sabir, Azerbaijan, SOC; IBRAHIMLI, Fazail, Azerbaijan, ALDE; ILASCU, Ilie, Romania, NRI; ILICALI, Mustafa, Turkey, EPP/CD; ĐNCEKARA, Halide, Turkey, EPP/CD; MIRZAZADA, Aydin, Azerbaijan, EDG; PROVERA, Fiorello, Italy, ALDE; RAKHANSKY, Anatoliy, Ukraine, UEL; RIGONI, Andrea, Italy, EPP/CD; SEYIDOV, Samad, Azerbaijan, EDG;TEKELĐOĞLU, Mehmet, Turkey, EPP/CD, "The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis", http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc06/EDOC10990.pdfArxivləşdirilib 2009-07-30 at the Wayback Machine,
Mr. Rafael Huseynov, Parlamentary of PACE, Council of Europe, 2006, səh. 1–2: "Nowadays, this country-invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to "create Great Armenia from sea to sea" are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well. Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of "small Armenia states" in several countries of their compact living by using separatism, ethnic cleansing and terrorism the "Armenianism" can only be stopped by means of common efforts"
http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/Armenia/justin.htmlArxivləşdirilib 2021-02-26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Speech given by Dr. Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, March 24, 2005:
Sitat: The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years. It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, regardless of the wishes of the people who live there… The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic. It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim. The population of the new "Armenia" would be less than one-fourth Armenian at best. Could such a state long exist? Yes, it could exist, but only if the Turks were expelled. That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915. It would be their policy tomorrow.
http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/Armenia/justin.htmlArxivləşdirilib 2021-02-26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Speech given by Dr. Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, March 24, 2005:
ЦИТАТА: The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years. It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, regardless of the wishes of the people who live there… The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic. It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim. The population of the new "Armenia" would be less than one-fourth Armenian at best. Could such a state long exist? Yes, it could exist, but only if the Turks were expelled. That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915. It would be their policy tomorrow.
http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/TestFrame/1afd81b92edde1bc80256650004effc5?OpendocumentArxivləşdirilib 2009-07-21 at the Wayback Machine Letter dated 26 May 1988 from the Permanent Representative of the Azerbaijan Republic to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the secretariat of the Sub-Commission on Prevention
of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities – (Signed): Sima EIVAZOVA – Ambassador – Information on mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from their historical and ethnic lands in the territory of the Armenian SSR between 1948 and 1953
A.L.P. Burdett, Historical Overview, "Armenia: Political And Ethnic Boundaries 1878–1948", http://www.archiveeditions.co.uk/titledetails.asp?tid=19Arxivləşdirilib 2017-09-17 at the Wayback Machine, A.L.P. Burdett, Cambridge Univercity, 1998
"…and encouraged 100,000 Armenians to return to the Armenian SSR, but also forced thousands of ethnic Azerbaijanis living in Armenia to move to Azerbaijan and thus make room for the incoming Armenian repatriates. Слово forced.
Stuart J. Kaufman – Professor of Political Science and International Relations, joined the University of Delaware faculty in 2004. He taught at the University of Kentucky from 1990 to 2004. He specializes in ethnic conflict, international security affairs and international relations theory. The winner of a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship for 1998–99, Dr. Kaufman spent 1999 working as Director for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs on the U.S. National Security Council staff. Dr. Kaufman earned his B.A. (1983) from Harvard University, and his M.A. (1985) and Ph.D. (1991) from the University of Michigan. "Modern hatreds: the symbolic politics of ethnic war", http://books.google.com/books?id=2Plw98pTk5wC&pg=PA67&dq=ethnic+cleansing+against+Azerbaijanis&ei=HoE7Sre7G4y2yQSUhry6BQ&hl=ruArxivləşdirilib 2021-07-22 at the Wayback Machine, США, Cornell University Press, 2001, Səh. 62: "Armenians began driving ethnic Azerbaijanis from their homes, (…The result of rising hostility was the virtual ethnic cleansing of Armenia and Azerbaijan proper in November 1988)
Members of Perlamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, HUSEYNOV, Rafael, Azerbaijan, ALDE;AÇIKGÖZ Ruhi, Turkey, EDG; ÇAVUSOĞLU, Mevlüt, Turkey, EDG; GOULET, Daniel, France, ALDE(Sénateur – Sénat France – Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard – 75291 – Paris cedex 06 – Tel: + 33 (0)1 42 34 29 26 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 42 34 40 84 –
E-mail: d.goulet@senat.fr); HAJIYEV, Sabir, Azerbaijan, SOC; IBRAHIMLI, Fazail, Azerbaijan, ALDE; ILASCU, Ilie, Romania, NRI; ILICALI, Mustafa, Turkey, EPP/CD; ĐNCEKARA, Halide, Turkey, EPP/CD; MIRZAZADA, Aydin, Azerbaijan, EDG; PROVERA, Fiorello, Italy, ALDE; RAKHANSKY, Anatoliy, Ukraine, UEL; RIGONI, Andrea, Italy, EPP/CD; SEYIDOV, Samad, Azerbaijan, EDG;TEKELĐOĞLU, Mehmet, Turkey, EPP/CD, "The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis", http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/WorkingDocs/Doc06/EDOC10990.pdfArxivləşdirilib 2009-07-30 at the Wayback Machine, Mr. Rafael Huseynov, Parlamentary of PACE, Strasburq, Council of Europe, 2006, səh. 1–2 (The Armenian policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis (Azərbaycanlılara qarşı etnik təmizlənmənin erməni siyasəti), Nowadays, this country-invader and the Armenian lobby being its supporter with their prime goal to "create Great Armenia from sea to sea" are a serious threat not only for Azerbaijan but for a number of other countries as well. Having their secret and open activities aimed at the creation of "small Armenia states" in several countries of their compact living by using separatism, ethnic cleansing and terrorism the "Armenianism" can only be stopped by means of
common efforts.
http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/Armenia/justin.htmlArxivləşdirilib 2021-02-26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Speech given by Dr. Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, March 24, 2005:
Sitat: The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years. It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, regardless of the wishes of the people who live there… The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic. It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim. The population of the new "Armenia" would be less than one-fourth Armenian at best. Could such a state long exist? Yes, it could exist, but only if the Turks were expelled. That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915. It would be their policy tomorrow.
http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~dwilson/Armenia/justin.htmlArxivləşdirilib 2021-02-26 at the Wayback Machine Armenian-Turkish Conflict, Speech given by Dr. Justin McCarthy at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, March 24, 2005:
ЦИТАТА: The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years. It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, regardless of the wishes of the people who live there… The map you see is based on the program of the Dashnak Party and the Armenian Republic. It shows what the Armenian Nationalists claim. The population of the new "Armenia" would be less than one-fourth Armenian at best. Could such a state long exist? Yes, it could exist, but only if the Turks were expelled. That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915. It would be their policy tomorrow.