The Merck Manuals. Lung Carcinoma: Tumors of the Lungs Merck Manual Professional Edition, Online edition. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2007-08-16 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Thun MJ, Hannan LM, Adams-Campbell LL, Boffetta P, Buring JE, Feskanich D, Flanders WD, Jee SH, Katanoda K, Kolonel LN, Lee IM, Marugame T, Palmer JR, Riboli E, Sobue T, Avila-Tang E, Wilkens LR, Samet JM. Lung Cancer Occurrence in Never-Smokers: An Analysis of 13 Cohorts and 22 Cancer Registry Studies. PLoS Med. 2008 sentyabr 9;5(9):e185. PMID 18788891Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-06 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Gorlova OY, Weng SF, Zhang Y, Amos CI, Spitz MR. Aggregation of cancer among relatives of never-smoking lung cancer patients. Int J Cancer. 2007 iyul 1;121(1):111-8. PMID 17304511Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Hackshaw AK, Law MR, Wald NJ. The accumulated evidence on lung cancer and environmental tobacco smoke. BMJ. 1997 oktyabr 18;315(7114):980-8. PMID 9365295Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Catelinois O, Rogel A, Laurier D, Billon S, Hemon D, Verger P, Tirmarche M. Lung cancer attributable to indoor radon exposure in france: impact of the risk models and uncertainty analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 sentyabr;114(9):1361-6. PMID 16966089Arxivləşdirilib 2011-05-01 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
O'Reilly KM, Mclaughlin AM, Beckett WS, Sime PJ. Asbestos-related lung disease. Am Fam Physician. 2007 mart 1;75(5):683-8. PMID 17375514Arxivləşdirilib 2019-08-01 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Kabir Z, Bennett K, Clancy L. Lung cancer and urban air-pollution in Dublin: a temporal association? Ir Med J. 2007 fevral;100(2):367-9. PMID 17432813Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Coyle YM, Minahjuddin AT, Hynan LS, Minna JD. An ecological study of the association of metal air pollutants with lung cancer incidence in Texas. J Thorac Oncol. 2006 sentyabr;1(7):654-61. PMID 17409932Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Chiu HF, Cheng MH, Tsai SS, Wu TN, Kuo HW, Yang CY. Outdoor air pollution and female lung cancer in Taiwan. Inhal Toxicol. 2006 dekabr;18(13):1025-31. PMID 16966302Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Jemal A, Tiwari RC, Murray T, Ghafoor A, Samuels A, Ward E, Feuer EJ, Thun MJ; American Cancer Society. Cancer statistics, 2004. CA Cancer J Clin. 2004 Jan-Feb;54(1):8-29. PMID 14974761Arxivləşdirilib 2016-11-25 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Collins LG, Haines C, Perkel R, Enck RE. Lung cancer: diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician. 2007 yanvar 1;75(1):56-63. PMID 17225705Arxivləşdirilib 2016-11-25 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Palmarini M, Fan H. Retrovirus-induced ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, an animal model for lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2001 Nov 7;93(21):1603-14. PMID 11698564Arxivləşdirilib 2019-08-13 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Darnton AJ, McElvenny DM, Hodgson JT. Estimating the number of asbestos-related lung cancer deaths in Great Britain from 1980 to 2000. Ann Occup Hyg. 2006 yanvar;50(1):29-38. Epub 2005 avqust 26. PMID 16126764Arxivləşdirilib 2016-11-27 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Leroux C, Girard N, Cottin V, Greenland T, Mornex JF, Archer F. Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus (JSRV): from virus to lung cancer in sheep. Vet Res. 2007 mart-aprel;38(2):211-28. Epub 2007 yanvar 25. PMID 17257570Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Cheng YW, Chiou HL, Sheu GT, Hsieh LL, Chen JT, Chen CY, Su JM, Lee H. The association of human papillomavirus 16/18 infection with lung cancer among nonsmoking Taiwanese women. Cancer Res. 2001 aprel 1;61(7):2799-803. PMID 11306446Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Zheng H, Abdel Aziz HO, Nakanishi Y, Masuda S, Saito H, Tsuneyama K, Takano Y. Oncogenic role of JC virus in lung cancer. J Pathol. 2007 iyul;212(3):306-15. PMID 17534844Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Giuliani L, Jaxmar T, Casadio C, Gariglio M, Manna A, D'Antonio D, Syrjanen K, Favalli C, Ciotti M. Detection of oncogenic viruses SV40, BKV, JCV, HCMV, HPV and p53 codon 72 polymorphism in lung carcinoma. Lung Cancer. 2007 sentyabr;57(3):273-81. Epub 2007 aprel 2. PMID 17400331Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Fong KM, Sekido Y, Gazdar AF, Minna JD. Lung cancer. 9: Molecular biology of lung cancer: clinical implications. Thorax. 2003 oktyabr;58(10):892-900. PMID 14514947Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Aviel-Ronen S, Blackhall FH, Shepherd FA, Tsao MS. K-ras mutations in non-small-cell lung carcinoma: a review. Clin Lung Cancer. 2006 iyul;8(1):30-8. PMID 16870043Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Giles F. Filley Lecture.Devereux TR, Taylor JA, Barrett JC. Molecular mechanisms of lung cancer. Interaction of environmental and genetic factors. Chest. 1996 mart;109(3 Suppl):14S-19S. PMID 8598134Arxivləşdirilib 2013-06-02 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Yilmazbayhan A, Damadoğlu E, Aybatli A. Soliter pulmoner nodüle tanısal yaklaşım. Tuberk Toraks. 2005;53(3):307-18. PMID 16258894Arxivləşdirilib 2019-09-02 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Inci I, Pabuşçu E. Akciğer kanserinin cerrahi tedavisinde preoperatif değerlendirme. Tuberk Toraks. 2005;53(2):210-20. PMID 16100661Arxivləşdirilib 2014-07-15 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Morandi U, Casali C, Rossi G. Bronchial typical carcinoid tumors. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006 Fall;18(3):191-8. PMID 17185178Arxivləşdirilib 2023-07-01 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Etienne-Mastroianni B, Falchero L, Chalabreysse L, Loire R, Ranchère D, Souquet PJ, Cordier JF. Primary sarcomas of the lung: a clinicopathologic study of 12 cases. Lung Cancer. 2002 Dec;38(3):283-9. PMID 12445750Arxivləşdirilib 2017-01-04 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Arinç S, Saltürk C, Ertuğrul M, Sulu E, Tuncer L, Nergis S, Selvi U. Primer akciğer kanserinde bronkoskopik biyopsi ve torakotomi materyalleri arasında hücre tipi uyumu. Tuberk Toraks. 2007;55(4):378-82. PMID 18224506Arxivləşdirilib 2014-07-15 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Bryant A, Cerfolio RJ. Differences in epidemiology, histology, and survival between cigarette smokers and never-smokers who develop non-small cell lung cancer. Chest. 2007 Jul;132(1):185-92. Epub 2007 Jun 15. PMID 17573517Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Köktürk N, Yeğin D, Ulukavak Çiftçi T, Bilgin Mullaoğlu S, Öztürk C. Akciğer Kanserlerinde Epidemiyolojik Özellikler Yıllar İçinde Değişim Gösteriyor mu?"Türk Toraks" jurnalı, dekabr 2004, cild 5, tiraj 3, səhifə(lər) 137-142. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2005-11-09 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Köktürk N, Ulukavak Çiftçi T, Yeğin D, Bilgin Mullaoğlu S, Habeşoğlu MA, Öztürk C. Akciğer Kanserli Olgularımızda Semptomatolojik, Radyolojik ve Endoskopik Bulguların Histopatolojik Bulgularla Birlikte Değerlendirilmesi. "Türk Toraks" jurnalı, dekabr 2004, cild 5, tiraj 3, səhifə(lər) 143-147. Tam mətn[ölü keçid] (türk.)
Bozkurt B, Selçuk ZT, Fırat P, Kalyoncu AF, Artvinli M. 1972-2002 Döneminde Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’nde Akciğer Kanseri Tanısı Konulan Hastaların Histolojik ve Epidemiyolojik Değerlendirmesi. "Türk Toraks" jurnalı, dekabr 2004, cild 5, tiraj 3, səhifə(lər) 148-153. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2005-12-23 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Akkoçlu, Atilla. Akciğer kanserleri. Türk Toraks Derneği. Tam mətn[ölü keçid] (türk.)
Göksel, Tuncay. Akciğer kanseri. Türk Toraks Derneği yayınları. Tam mətn[ölü keçid] (türk.)
Akkoçlu, Atilla. Akciğer kanserlerinde tanı, evreleme ve tedavi öncesi değerlendirme. Türk Toraks Derneği. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2010-03-07 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Köktürk N, Yeğin D, Ulukavak Çiftçi T, Bilgin Mullaoğlu S, Öztürk C. Akciğer Kanserlerinde Epidemiyolojik Özellikler Yıllar İçinde Değişim Gösteriyor mu?"Türk Toraks" jurnalı, dekabr 2004, cild 5, tiraj 3, səhifə(lər) 137-142. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2005-11-09 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
The Merck Manuals. Lung Carcinoma: Tumors of the Lungs Merck Manual Professional Edition, Online edition. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2007-08-16 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Thun MJ, Hannan LM, Adams-Campbell LL, Boffetta P, Buring JE, Feskanich D, Flanders WD, Jee SH, Katanoda K, Kolonel LN, Lee IM, Marugame T, Palmer JR, Riboli E, Sobue T, Avila-Tang E, Wilkens LR, Samet JM. Lung Cancer Occurrence in Never-Smokers: An Analysis of 13 Cohorts and 22 Cancer Registry Studies. PLoS Med. 2008 sentyabr 9;5(9):e185. PMID 18788891Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-06 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Gorlova OY, Weng SF, Zhang Y, Amos CI, Spitz MR. Aggregation of cancer among relatives of never-smoking lung cancer patients. Int J Cancer. 2007 iyul 1;121(1):111-8. PMID 17304511Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Hackshaw AK, Law MR, Wald NJ. The accumulated evidence on lung cancer and environmental tobacco smoke. BMJ. 1997 oktyabr 18;315(7114):980-8. PMID 9365295Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Catelinois O, Rogel A, Laurier D, Billon S, Hemon D, Verger P, Tirmarche M. Lung cancer attributable to indoor radon exposure in france: impact of the risk models and uncertainty analysis. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 sentyabr;114(9):1361-6. PMID 16966089Arxivləşdirilib 2011-05-01 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
O'Reilly KM, Mclaughlin AM, Beckett WS, Sime PJ. Asbestos-related lung disease. Am Fam Physician. 2007 mart 1;75(5):683-8. PMID 17375514Arxivləşdirilib 2019-08-01 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Kabir Z, Bennett K, Clancy L. Lung cancer and urban air-pollution in Dublin: a temporal association? Ir Med J. 2007 fevral;100(2):367-9. PMID 17432813Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Coyle YM, Minahjuddin AT, Hynan LS, Minna JD. An ecological study of the association of metal air pollutants with lung cancer incidence in Texas. J Thorac Oncol. 2006 sentyabr;1(7):654-61. PMID 17409932Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Chiu HF, Cheng MH, Tsai SS, Wu TN, Kuo HW, Yang CY. Outdoor air pollution and female lung cancer in Taiwan. Inhal Toxicol. 2006 dekabr;18(13):1025-31. PMID 16966302Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Bozkurt B, Selçuk ZT, Fırat P, Kalyoncu AF, Artvinli M. 1972-2002 Döneminde Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’nde Akciğer Kanseri Tanısı Konulan Hastaların Histolojik ve Epidemiyolojik Değerlendirmesi. "Türk Toraks" jurnalı, dekabr 2004, cild 5, tiraj 3, səhifə(lər) 148-153. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2005-12-23 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Jemal A, Tiwari RC, Murray T, Ghafoor A, Samuels A, Ward E, Feuer EJ, Thun MJ; American Cancer Society. Cancer statistics, 2004. CA Cancer J Clin. 2004 Jan-Feb;54(1):8-29. PMID 14974761Arxivləşdirilib 2016-11-25 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Collins LG, Haines C, Perkel R, Enck RE. Lung cancer: diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician. 2007 yanvar 1;75(1):56-63. PMID 17225705Arxivləşdirilib 2016-11-25 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Akkoçlu, Atilla. Akciğer kanserlerinde tanı, evreleme ve tedavi öncesi değerlendirme. Türk Toraks Derneği. Tam mətnArxivləşdirilib 2010-03-07 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Palmarini M, Fan H. Retrovirus-induced ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, an animal model for lung cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2001 Nov 7;93(21):1603-14. PMID 11698564Arxivləşdirilib 2019-08-13 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Darnton AJ, McElvenny DM, Hodgson JT. Estimating the number of asbestos-related lung cancer deaths in Great Britain from 1980 to 2000. Ann Occup Hyg. 2006 yanvar;50(1):29-38. Epub 2005 avqust 26. PMID 16126764Arxivləşdirilib 2016-11-27 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Leroux C, Girard N, Cottin V, Greenland T, Mornex JF, Archer F. Jaagsiekte Sheep Retrovirus (JSRV): from virus to lung cancer in sheep. Vet Res. 2007 mart-aprel;38(2):211-28. Epub 2007 yanvar 25. PMID 17257570Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Cheng YW, Chiou HL, Sheu GT, Hsieh LL, Chen JT, Chen CY, Su JM, Lee H. The association of human papillomavirus 16/18 infection with lung cancer among nonsmoking Taiwanese women. Cancer Res. 2001 aprel 1;61(7):2799-803. PMID 11306446Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Zheng H, Abdel Aziz HO, Nakanishi Y, Masuda S, Saito H, Tsuneyama K, Takano Y. Oncogenic role of JC virus in lung cancer. J Pathol. 2007 iyul;212(3):306-15. PMID 17534844Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Giuliani L, Jaxmar T, Casadio C, Gariglio M, Manna A, D'Antonio D, Syrjanen K, Favalli C, Ciotti M. Detection of oncogenic viruses SV40, BKV, JCV, HCMV, HPV and p53 codon 72 polymorphism in lung carcinoma. Lung Cancer. 2007 sentyabr;57(3):273-81. Epub 2007 aprel 2. PMID 17400331Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Fong KM, Sekido Y, Gazdar AF, Minna JD. Lung cancer. 9: Molecular biology of lung cancer: clinical implications. Thorax. 2003 oktyabr;58(10):892-900. PMID 14514947Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Aviel-Ronen S, Blackhall FH, Shepherd FA, Tsao MS. K-ras mutations in non-small-cell lung carcinoma: a review. Clin Lung Cancer. 2006 iyul;8(1):30-8. PMID 16870043Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Giles F. Filley Lecture.Devereux TR, Taylor JA, Barrett JC. Molecular mechanisms of lung cancer. Interaction of environmental and genetic factors. Chest. 1996 mart;109(3 Suppl):14S-19S. PMID 8598134Arxivləşdirilib 2013-06-02 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Yilmazbayhan A, Damadoğlu E, Aybatli A. Soliter pulmoner nodüle tanısal yaklaşım. Tuberk Toraks. 2005;53(3):307-18. PMID 16258894Arxivləşdirilib 2019-09-02 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Inci I, Pabuşçu E. Akciğer kanserinin cerrahi tedavisinde preoperatif değerlendirme. Tuberk Toraks. 2005;53(2):210-20. PMID 16100661Arxivləşdirilib 2014-07-15 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Morandi U, Casali C, Rossi G. Bronchial typical carcinoid tumors. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006 Fall;18(3):191-8. PMID 17185178Arxivləşdirilib 2023-07-01 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Etienne-Mastroianni B, Falchero L, Chalabreysse L, Loire R, Ranchère D, Souquet PJ, Cordier JF. Primary sarcomas of the lung: a clinicopathologic study of 12 cases. Lung Cancer. 2002 Dec;38(3):283-9. PMID 12445750Arxivləşdirilib 2017-01-04 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)
Arinç S, Saltürk C, Ertuğrul M, Sulu E, Tuncer L, Nergis S, Selvi U. Primer akciğer kanserinde bronkoskopik biyopsi ve torakotomi materyalleri arasında hücre tipi uyumu. Tuberk Toraks. 2007;55(4):378-82. PMID 18224506Arxivləşdirilib 2014-07-15 at the Wayback Machine (türk.)
Bryant A, Cerfolio RJ. Differences in epidemiology, histology, and survival between cigarette smokers and never-smokers who develop non-small cell lung cancer. Chest. 2007 Jul;132(1):185-92. Epub 2007 Jun 15. PMID 17573517Arxivləşdirilib 2008-12-05 at the Wayback Machine (ing.)