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(Subscription or UK public library membershipArxivləşdirilib 2013-04-29 at the Wayback Machine required.) The OED quotes P. Gibbard & T. van Kolfschoten in F. Gradstein et al. Geol. Time Scale 2004 xxii. 451/2: "The term 'Recent' as an alternative to Holocene is invalid and should not be used."
(Subscription or UK public library membershipArxivləşdirilib 2013-04-29 at the Wayback Machine required.) The OED quotes P. Gibbard & T. van Kolfschoten in F. Gradstein et al. Geol. Time Scale 2004 xxii. 451/2: "The term 'Recent' as an alternative to Holocene is invalid and should not be used."