Cornelius, Barry. Java 5 catches up with C#(нявызн.). University of Oxford Computing Services (1 снежня 2005). — «In my opinion, it is C# that has caused these radical changes to the Java language. (Barry Cornelius)» Праверана June 18, 2009.
Wylie Wong. Why Microsoft's C# isn't(нявызн.). CNET: CBS Interactive (2002). Праверана November 14, 2009.
Hamilton, Naomi. The A-Z of Programming Languages: C#(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Computerworld (1 кастрычніка 2008). — «We all stand on the shoulders of giants here and every language builds on what went before it so we owe a lot to C, C++, Java, Delphi, all of these other things that came before us. (Anders Hejlsberg)» Архівавана з першакрыніцы 24 сакавіка 2010. Праверана February 12, 2010.
Using C# 3.0 from .NET 2.0(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). (13 мая 2007). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 29 верасня 2012. Праверана October 4, 2012.
Kovacs, James. C#/.NET History Lesson(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка) (7 верасня 2007). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 6 сакавіка 2009. Праверана June 18, 2009.
C# 3.0 New Features(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 19 снежня 2008. Праверана June 9, 20010.
Patent Cooperation Agreement - Microsoft & Novell Interoperability Collaboration(нявызн.). Microsoft (2 лістапада 2006). — «Microsoft, on behalf of itself and its Subsidiaries (collectively "Microsoft"), hereby covenants not to sue Novell's Customers and Novell's Subsidiaries' Customers for infringement under Covered Patents of Microsoft on account of such a Customer's use of specific copies of a Covered Product as distributed by Novell or its Subsidiaries (collectively "Novell") for which Novell has received Revenue (directly or indirectly) for such specific copies; provided the foregoing covenant is limited to use by such Customer (i) of such specific copies that are authorized by Novell in consideration for such Revenue, and (ii) within the scope authorized by Novell in consideration for such Revenue.» Праверана July 5, 2009.
Covenant to Downstream Recipients of Moonlight - Microsoft & Novell Interoperability Collaboration(нявызн.). Microsoft (28 верасня 2007). — «"Downstream Recipient" means an entity or individual that uses for its intended purpose a Moonlight Implementation obtained directly from Novell or through an Intermediate Recipient... Microsoft reserves the right to update (including discontinue) the foregoing covenant... "Moonlight Implementation" means only those specific portions of Moonlight 1.0 or Moonlight 1.1 that run only as a plug-in to a browser on a Personal Computer and are not licensed under GPLv3 or a Similar License.» Праверана March 8, 2008.
Torgersen, Mads. New features in C# 4.0(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Microsoft (27 кастрычніка 2008). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 3 студзеня 2012. Праверана October 28, 2008.
F# FAQ(нявызн.). Microsoft Research. Праверана June 18, 2009.
Compatibility - Mono(нявызн.). (12 снежня 2014). Праверана September 6, 2015.
Steinman, Justin. Novell Answers Questions from the Community(нявызн.) (7 лістапада 2006). — «We maintain that Mono does not infringe any Microsoft patents.» Праверана July 5, 2009.
Torgersen, Mads. New features in C# 4.0(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Microsoft (27 кастрычніка 2008). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 3 студзеня 2012. Праверана October 28, 2008.
Hamilton, Naomi. The A-Z of Programming Languages: C#(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Computerworld (1 кастрычніка 2008). — «We all stand on the shoulders of giants here and every language builds on what went before it so we owe a lot to C, C++, Java, Delphi, all of these other things that came before us. (Anders Hejlsberg)» Архівавана з першакрыніцы 24 сакавіка 2010. Праверана February 12, 2010.
Kovacs, James. C#/.NET History Lesson(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка) (7 верасня 2007). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 6 сакавіка 2009. Праверана June 18, 2009.
C# 3.0 New Features(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 19 снежня 2008. Праверана June 9, 20010.
Using C# 3.0 from .NET 2.0(нявызн.)(недаступная спасылка). (13 мая 2007). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 29 верасня 2012. Праверана October 4, 2012.