Introduction to DB2 UDB(нявызн.) (22 красавіка 2005). — «Since the 1970s, when IBM Research invented the Relational Model and the Structured Query Language (SQL), IBM has developed a complete family of RDBMS software. Development started on mainframe platforms such as Virtual Machine (VM), Virtual Storage Extended (VSE), and Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS). In 1983, DB2 for MVS Version 1 was born. "DB2" was used to indicate a shift from hierarchical databases, like the Information Management System (IMS) popular at the time, to the new relational databases.» Архівавана з першакрыніцы 13 студзеня 2012. Праверана 29 сакавіка 2010.
Introduction to DB2 UDB(нявызн.) (22 красавіка 2005). — «Since the 1970s, when IBM Research invented the Relational Model and the Structured Query Language (SQL), IBM has developed a complete family of RDBMS software. Development started on mainframe platforms such as Virtual Machine (VM), Virtual Storage Extended (VSE), and Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS). In 1983, DB2 for MVS Version 1 was born. "DB2" was used to indicate a shift from hierarchical databases, like the Information Management System (IMS) popular at the time, to the new relational databases.» Архівавана з першакрыніцы 13 студзеня 2012. Праверана 29 сакавіка 2010.