Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Іранскі Азербайджан" in Belarusian language version.
Persian Azarbayjan, geographic region that comprises the extreme northwestern portion of Iran. It is bounded on the north by the Aras River, which separates it from independent Azerbaijan and Armenia; on the east by the Iranian region of Gīlān and the Caspian Sea; on the south by the Iranian regions of Zanjān and Kordestān; and on the west by Iraq and Turkey.
Арыгінальны тэкст (англ.)Until the twentieth century, the term Azerbaijan (a late form of the term Atropatene derived from the name Atropates, satrap and later king of Western Media at the end of the fourth century BC) was used solely for the Turkic-speaking regions of North-Western Iran. When, in 1918—1920, the power in Eastern Transcaucasia (Shirvan, etc.) was taken over by the party of Musavatists, they gave to their state the name ‘Azerbaijan’, hoping to unite it with Iranian Azerbaijan, or Azerbaijan in the original sense of the term; that territory had much greater Turkic population; the Musavatists relied on the state of complete political disintegration of Iran at that period, and hoped to easily annex Iranian Azerbaijan into their state. Until the twentieth century, the ancestors of the present-day Azerbaijanis called themselves Turki, while the Russians called them Tatars, not distinguishing them from the Volga Tatars. The Azerbaijani language belongs to the Oghuz branch of Turkic; the Volga Tatar language belongs to the Kipchak branch of Turkic.
AZERBAIJAN (Āḏarbāy[e]jān), historical region of northwestern Iran, east of Lake Urmia, since the Achaemenid era.
Горы Иранского Азербайджана относятся к поднятиям Армянского нагорья и находятся между Талышскими горами на востоке и Северным Загросом (Курдистанскими горами) на западе.
Persian Azarbayjan, geographic region that comprises the extreme northwestern portion of Iran. It is bounded on the north by the Aras River, which separates it from independent Azerbaijan and Armenia; on the east by the Iranian region of Gīlān and the Caspian Sea; on the south by the Iranian regions of Zanjān and Kordestān; and on the west by Iraq and Turkey.
Горы Иранского Азербайджана относятся к поднятиям Армянского нагорья и находятся между Талышскими горами на востоке и Северным Загросом (Курдистанскими горами) на западе.