«Peoples of Iran»Архівавана 3 сакавіка 2016. in Looklex Encyclopedia of the Orient. Retrieved on 22 January 2009.
http://monderusse.revues.org/docannexe4079.htmlАрхівавана 27 верасня 2009. стр.188, Арсений Саппаров, International Relations Department, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE — According to this plan some 100,000 people had to be «voluntarily» resettled. The emigration occurred in three stages: 10,000 people were resettled in 1948, another 40,000 in 1949, and 50 000 in 1950.29
http://monderusse.revues.org/docannexe4079.htmlАрхівавана 27 верасня 2009. стр.188, Арсений Саппаров, International Relations Department, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE — According to this plan some 100,000 people had to be «voluntarily» resettled. The emigration occurred in three stages: 10,000 people were resettled in 1948, another 40,000 in 1949, and 50 000 in 1950.29
«Peoples of Iran»Архівавана 3 сакавіка 2016. in Looklex Encyclopedia of the Orient. Retrieved on 22 January 2009.
«Iran: People»Архівавана 3 лютага 2012., CIA: The World Factbook: 24 % of Iran’s total population. Retrieved on 22 January 2009.
«Iran»Архівавана 11 сакавіка 2007., Amnesty International report on Iran and Azerbaijan people . Retrieved 30 July 2006.