Анаіт (Belarusian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Анаіт" in Belarusian language version.

Global rank Belarusian rank
5,960th place
1,288th place
24th place
7th place
3rd place
25th place
low place
5,071st place




  • M. Boyce, M. L. Chaumont, C. Bier. ANĀHĪD (англ.). Iranica (15 снежня 1984). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 4 красавіка 2012. Праверана 3 красавіка 2011.

    ANĀHĪD (Old Pers. Anāhitā, New Pers. Nāhīd, Armenian Anahit, Greek Anaitis), Mid. Pers. form of the name of the Iranian goddess Anāhitā.

  • M. Boyce, M. L. Chaumont, C. Bier. ANĀHĪD (англ.). Iranica (15 снежня 1984). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 4 красавіка 2012. Праверана 3 красавіка 2011.

    Hellenic influence having given a new impetus to the cult of images in Iran, it may safely be assumed that Anāhīd’s statues were still venerated during the Parthian period; and positive evidence for this comes from Armenia, then a Zoroastrian land.


  • M. Boyce, M. L. Chaumont, C. Bier. ANĀHĪD (англ.). Iranica (15 снежня 1984). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 4 красавіка 2012. Праверана 3 красавіка 2011.

    ANĀHĪD (Old Pers. Anāhitā, New Pers. Nāhīd, Armenian Anahit, Greek Anaitis), Mid. Pers. form of the name of the Iranian goddess Anāhitā.

  • M. Boyce, M. L. Chaumont, C. Bier. ANĀHĪD (англ.). Iranica (15 снежня 1984). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 4 красавіка 2012. Праверана 3 красавіка 2011.

    Hellenic influence having given a new impetus to the cult of images in Iran, it may safely be assumed that Anāhīd’s statues were still venerated during the Parthian period; and positive evidence for this comes from Armenia, then a Zoroastrian land.