Грамадзянская вайна ў Паўночным Емене (Belarusian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Грамадзянская вайна ў Паўночным Емене" in Belarusian language version.

Global rank Belarusian rank
475th place
271st place
low place
low place
1st place
2nd place



  • Archived copy(недаступная спасылка). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 20 сакавіка 2012. Праверана 15 кастрычніка 2012. "Since 1965, the Libyan-backed Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen and the National Liberation Front had unleashed brutal violence on British forces in the south. In the end, the conflict claimed some 200,000 lives."


  • Archived copy(недаступная спасылка). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 20 сакавіка 2012. Праверана 15 кастрычніка 2012. "Since 1965, the Libyan-backed Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen and the National Liberation Front had unleashed brutal violence on British forces in the south. In the end, the conflict claimed some 200,000 lives."