Galileo Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius (Venice, (Italy): Thomas Baglioni, 1610), pages 15 and 16.
English translation: Galileo Galilei with Edward Stafford Carlos, trans., The Sidereal Messenger (London, England: Rivingtons, 1880), pages 42 and 43.
Our Galaxy(нявызн.). George Mason University (24 лістапада 1998). Архівавана з першакрыніцы June 30, 2012. Праверана January 4, 2007.
Anna Frebel Discovery of HE 1523-0901, a Strongly r-Process-enhanced Metal-poor Star with Detected Uranium(англ.) // The Astrophysical Journal. — 2007. — Т. 660. — С. L117.DOI:10.1086/518122arΧiv:astro-ph/0703414
Ortwin Gerhard Pattern speeds in the Milky Way. — arΧiv:1003.2489v1
Nicolai Bissantz Gas dynamics in the Milky Way: second pattern speed and large-scale morphology(англ.) // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. — 2003. — Т. 340. — С. 949. — DOI:10.1046/j.1365-8711.2003.06358.xarΧiv:astro-ph/0212516
Thomas Wright, An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe … (London, England: H. Chapelle, 1750). From p.48: " … the stars are not infinitely dispersed and distributed in a promiscuous manner throughout all the mundane space, without order or design, … this phænomenon [is] no other than a certain effect arising from the observer’s situation, … To a spectator placed in an indefinite space, … it [i.e., the Milky Way (Via Lactea)] [is] a vast ring of stars … " On page 73, Wright called the Milky Way the Vortex Magnus (the great whirlpool) and estimated its diameter at 8.64×1012 miles (13.9×1012 km).
Anna Frebel Discovery of HE 1523-0901, a Strongly r-Process-enhanced Metal-poor Star with Detected Uranium(англ.) // The Astrophysical Journal. — 2007. — Т. 660. — С. L117.DOI:10.1086/518122arΧiv:astro-ph/0703414
Nicolai Bissantz Gas dynamics in the Milky Way: second pattern speed and large-scale morphology(англ.) // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. — 2003. — Т. 340. — С. 949. — DOI:10.1046/j.1365-8711.2003.06358.xarΧiv:astro-ph/0212516
Kogut, A.; Lineweaver, C.; Smoot, G. F.; Bennett, C. L.; Banday, A.; Boggess, N. W.; Cheng, E. S.; de Amici, G.; Fixsen, D. J.; Hinshaw, G.; Jackson, P. D.; Janssen, M.; Keegstra, P.; Loewenstein, K.; Lubin, P.; Mather, J. C.; Tenorio, L.; Weiss, R.; Wilkinson, D. T.; Wright, E. L.Dipole Anisotropy in the COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers First-Year Sky Maps(англ.) // Astrophysical Journal. — 1993. — Т. 419. — С. 1. — DOI:10.1086/173453
Kogut, A.; Lineweaver, C.; Smoot, G. F.; Bennett, C. L.; Banday, A.; Boggess, N. W.; Cheng, E. S.; de Amici, G.; Fixsen, D. J.; Hinshaw, G.; Jackson, P. D.; Janssen, M.; Keegstra, P.; Loewenstein, K.; Lubin, P.; Mather, J. C.; Tenorio, L.; Weiss, R.; Wilkinson, D. T.; Wright, E. L.Dipole Anisotropy in the COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers First-Year Sky Maps(англ.) // Astrophysical Journal. — 1993. — Т. 419. — С. 1. — DOI:10.1086/173453
Eric Christian; Safi-Harb Samar.. How large is the Milky Way?(англ.). Ask an Astrophysicist. NASA (1 снежня 2005). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 4 ліпеня 2012. Праверана 8 ліпеня 2016.(Праверана 9 кастрычніка 2012)
Eric Christian; Safi-Harb Samar.. How large is the Milky Way?(англ.). Ask an Astrophysicist. NASA (1 снежня 2005). Архівавана з першакрыніцы 4 ліпеня 2012. Праверана 8 ліпеня 2016.(Праверана 9 кастрычніка 2012)